If you know me, you know that Thursday is automatically a happy day 'cause I get to drink COFFEE! I have many different Starbucks mugs, all in this favorite shape.
I can't wait to wake up on a day off that's warm and sunny. Today is rainy, rainy, rainy. I had plans to do one thing, but the rain's changed that. My only plan for the day is to clean my floors. That won't take too long. I have a few DVR'd shows to watch. I have a bunch of DVD's I could watch, but I don't have much patience for movies, unfortunately. Maybe I'll take a stab at cleaning out my close. It's a mess. I could set a timer and work there for an hour. Or 15 minutes. I could do any number of things. I wonder what this day will hold? Time will tell. What ever I do will be fueled by caffeine.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
Whatever you decide to do, have a happy day.
I'm supposed to be cleaning, but I've been knitting and now I'm reading some blogs.
Been out and about. Enjoy you coffee!
I got my kitchen floor cleaned and living room/dining room vacuumed. I feel good I got some something accomplished, yesterday was pretty lazy. As for the closet, for me that's a whole day project. I get everything collected and ready for donation pick up. You with Coffee? You can conquer anything!!
Ahhh the possibilities that a day off has to offer! I hope you did nothing and feel completely satisfied with it.
I'm wondering if they are going to come out with 31oz mugs now that they have the new size out. :~/
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