I can't wait for my summer vacation. Well, first I want spring. And lots of warm weather. And vacation. I want to swim in my pool. I want flowers in my garden. I want less stress. And for everyone to be happy.
I've been under a lot of stress. And sadness. I actually feel wounded. I want less-stress. I want everyone to have less-stress. And more happiness.
A Ram and Geese
30 degrees this morning and windy with snow showers
on and off during my walk.
Sunrise 6:41
Morning Walk Steps 11,451
Walked through town making some side ...
5 hours ago
Dear beautiful friend of mine....I am wishing you sunshine nd flowers and days off and vacation and happiness and smiles. I hate it when you are sad. I don't like it when you are stressed. I know things are hard right now, and I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.
Big Hugs....
The things that bring us stress are always there. Turn it around, look for what brought you a smile, hold that thought. Doing that helps to me to destress, hope it works for you too. Hang in there, things get better, promise.
Oh Cheryl...I'm so sorry you're going through this. Good news: I can't help with the stuff that's causing the stress, but I do know and can promise you that warmer weather IS coming (although we can't tell by this week!) as are the flowers and your ability to go to the pool and swim it all off. You also have friends who care about you. I'm here whenever you need me!
Vacation is going to feel SO GOOD!!!! I sent you a box of sunshine ;)
Amen, sister!
I'm with you on this, well - I'm always with you on everything. Hang in, better days ahead. Promise. :)
When Cheryl is sad, it really makes us sad, cuz we are so used to you being up and going all the time. Sometimes life just wears away at us bit by bit until we find ourselves feeling down and depleted. Definitely some sunshine, and some Spring flowers popping up with lift your spirits, and in time all the larger issues will play out as they should. Life always does. Hang in there, the dark times always give way to brighter days, always! HUGS
You and your siblings gave it a good try to keep your parents at home. You never would have known if you hadn't tried. This part of life is just sad. There is no way around that.
As you know, I can so relate to the house situation. We are ready to put my parents house on the market next week. While it was sure hard this winter taking care of the house, it makes me so sad to think it will belong to someone else.
I am optimistic that when you get your parents settled in an assisted living facility, things will look start to look up!
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