It's Friday morning but it feels like Tuesday. Hard to believe I was only off for one day. I packed a lot in. Rob came down on Wednesday night. We ate dinner here, instead of out. We're both trying to lose some weight and had wonderful and healthy salads. Instead of wonderful Chinese food. We watched a lot of TV. He's come to like all the shows that I DVR. We're also reading my book club book and him his psychology. I downloaded my book to my iPhone from the library. It's a "novel" way to read! Yesterday was spent parents. Their helper had car problems so I took them to their 3 doctor's appointments. Luckily they were all in the same building. I'm glad I was there to talk to their primary care doctor. It's easy for us for Amanda, their aide, to take them, but really better for a family member to be there. At least to the important appointments. They're both doing fine and that should be it for the doctors for a while. Till the next crisis. I was home in the late afternoon and Rob and I went to the main branch of my bank so he could use their coin machine to cash the coins from his piggy bank. It's an old and stately bank and the people there were very nice. I noticed a vault door to the side and asked if they ever gave tours. The manager was very nice and gave me a tour! I asked if I could take pictures. I was fascinated by the complexity of the gears and mechanisms of the inside of the door. I asked if I could take pictures.
I loved the 'gate' too. I reached up to feel if the points were sharp. I scraped my finger.
They had this old vault on display; it was one of the originals, on wheels.
I have a little time before work to read my book, so, that's what's next on my agenda. Then it's off to a full day of making people beautiful!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
I could just picture one of the old time gangsters rolling the small vault to a waiting truck. I know, I'm strange.
It's good to hear that your parents are doing well and passed their doctor's exams.
Many years ago I used to work in a bank as a secretary (now called Adm Asst). The vault scared me, I was afraid I'd get locked in. Glad to hear all is right with your folks, and you had an some time with Rob as well. I had a trip to the nail salon today, my hands feel pretty :)
Neat that they let you take pics!!
Glad the doctors' appointments went well.
Awesome, now we have someone on the inside. I'll email you the rest of the plans and we'll knock over that bank in no time!
Hey that is really cool! I don't think I've ever seen the inside like that before.
Had a fun time on this day! I was a little concerned with Cheryl's desire to document the goings on in a bank but they didn't seemed overly suspicious and rather gracious instead. I guess she has an honesty about her enthusiasm. As for me... I'm probably the one they had their eye on. :)
Rob, Cheryl likes to document the goings on in many "unique" places. :) I do so love this about her. She's using you as a decoy. :>
I loved the picture of the inside of the vault door!
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