Another very long 'weekend' at my parent's house. We've moved all the furniture, emptied the floor of every closet in the house. Filled the garage with every bit of furniture that could be moved. Left yet another mountain of trash at the curb.
My nephews tore out all the carpet and laminate flooring yesterday while my brother, sister and I moved furniture, cleaned out closets, and threw stuff away. I'm so glad we're working together. The old asbestos flooring is exposed, which is scary, but I don't think anything can happen in two days of exposure. Tomorrow it gets covered up with brand new flooring throughout. Then the furniture goes back. A lot more work, but that part will be so much better than what we've been doing. We've done major work. Work that we won't have to do later. If this experience hasn't convinced me to clean out my stuff now, shame on me.
So glad I was able to spend a few hours outside tonight. It was wonderful and I feel renewed. Thank you, Spring.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
9 hours ago
I know you can't wait for this project to finish. In this day when everyone is going in their own direction, the project seems to have brought your family together, sharing time (and sweat) toward the greater goal. Your folks will be happier and more confortable, it will look better too, it's a win-win. Hope all goes well with the flooring installation. Yes, shame on us all, Spring is pitch it season, right?
You know I was thinking as I was reading, yes--this is hard work. But the fact that you are doing it all together with family, you are probably having fun while you do it. Any bad job can be made fun with the right people. Although I'm sure you'll be ready to be done with it. It is so great that you all are doing it now. And yes, clean it all out at home now, too. I did that when we moved to the city. It's amazing how freeing it was. Have a great day today, C. Big hugs to you. :)
Wow! Thanks for the pictures so I can get an idea of what is going on.
We just finished all of this. I can so relate. WE had the Salvation Army come and pick up all the stuff in the garage.
Wish I had documented it like you did.
My parent's house is all done now. Next step is putting it on the market.
So much work. Glad you got to spend some time outside.
Whoa mama! You all have been busy!!! Asbestos flooring?! Wow. It has been a long time, hasn't it? What are you replacing it with? Or covering it with,,,
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