I woke up a little before 7:00 and wondered what to do with my day, besides cook that roast. I made a list of the things I needed to return, and decided Annapolis was my best bet. Should I go downstairs and make coffee and start getting ready? Hmmmm, no. Getting ready right away and going to Panera's in Annapolis for coffee and breakfast was a better plan. So, I jumped out of bed, showered and got ready, and was at my first destination by about 8:00. I'd never been to that location, but it was as nice as they all are. I had a few cups of the robust blend coffee and a cinnamon crunch bagel with low-fat hazelnut cream cheese, my favorite. So much for watching my weight...grow. I spent a bunch of time on my laptop, a happy person. You know how I feel about Panera's. Then I went to Circuit City to exchange the tripod I got for Christmas for a very compact model. Exchanged an Under Armor shirt for Emily at Modell's. Returned something to the beauty supply store. Went to Lord and Taylor's to see if they still had the white feather tree. And they did. I spoke to the salesperson to see what the bottom line was. With coupons, a new account and the sale, it would be $80. I straightened every branch, and looked at it from every angle. I decided I didn't really like it. What a relief. I don't ever have to second-guess myself about that again. I went to Macy's to return something, and found more Martha Stewart faux-vintage ornaments all marked down to $1.99. Now that was 'a good thing.' I'll be so happy next winter when I find all the new ornaments I'll have forgotten I bought! That was my last stop, and I came home to cook. I set my laptop on the counter, went to The Pioneer Woman Cooks blog, and the page featuring her pot roast recipe. I followed it precisely, cause I'm like that. And...how fortunate for me: the only two fresh herbs called for were the only two I grow, and they're evergreen: rosemary and thyme. So, pot roast in the oven, I was off to: (I'm liking my colons today)
Yes, the hammock. It was wonderful outside today. I took lots of pictures while I lay there. Mostly deleted ones. The sky was the most glorious blue.
I took a lot of sky pictures. I borrowed Em's iTouch while she went out running, and listened to a John Mayer album while checking my e-mail and reading some blogs. Sounds like a slice of heaven to me. Finally, it got chilly and it was time to move inside. But not for long. Cause here I am again on my porch.
I cooked the pot roast for 3 hours, not peeking once. Here's what it looked like when I took the lid off:
I think it looks a lot like Ree's picture. It tastes delicious. I have some egg noodles boiling on the stove, and fresh green beans in the microwave. Pot roast, anyone? With just Em and I, it's gonna last a long time. Good thing there's a freezer.
Thank you for taking me with you on your day! I love the picture of your feet in the hammock. That screams, "Cheryl at rest busily thinking of tomorrow!" The pot roast looks delicious. I just love The Pioneer Woman Cooks! It is much better than her main blog. I've grown tired of photos of punks and horses, and those aggravating caption contests. I want some writing! Thank you for your comments today. I replied to them stated I grew excited when you commented using Em's iTouch. I am a gadget junky. Too bad my income doesn't match my dreams of gagetry!
Mmmmm I want pot roast! It looks sooo yummy!
I never made a potroast either. I will have to give it a try. It looks so good!!
It was a nice day here today, too.
Hi Cheryl,
I found my way over to you through happyone's Captain's Log. I must say that pot roast looks scrumptious, much better than what I'm making tonight (Weight Watchers, anyone?!) Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. Hope it's a great day for you!
The cinnamon crunch bagel is my favorite in the morning but I like mine with their raspberry cream cheese - yum. Now that pot roast looks scrumptious, I haven't had a home cooked pot roast in few years.
the weather was nice here in Boston today as well as temps got into the 50's it was like a taste of Spring.
Pot roast and someone to cook it for. Please share.
My daughter only eats white meat. I am such a carnivore. Never wonder why I invite the kids over so often. The boys like red meat.
I am so glad you got some sunshine outside. You definitely got some warm weather for a few days.
I am off to the Keys again tomorrow for some picture taking with my sweetie. The weather is supposed to be sunny and 80. A sure beach day, but alas, I really need some good pictures for my March photography show. And my sweetie is ok with it. He jumped at the idea. And the upper Keys are only an hour away. So exploring we will go. And he will drive. He hasn't decided if it is a bike or car day yet. I don't care. He's driving.
Have an awesome night.
What a great day. That roast looks delicious! Yum!
I'm glad that tree is no longer haunting you. It wouldn't do to pull it out next year and go agghh I wish I'd never bought it. :)
Love the hammock pic.. my other friend in your area said it was beautiful today, in the 70's. Send it my way!
I'm a big fan of pot roast. Did you put an potatoes in there with it? I always throw potatoes in there for the last half-hour or so. And green beans definitely go with pot roast!
seems like a really nice day
Pot roast! What a great comfort food. Looks delish.
P.S. Love the hammock pix!
Looks like a great dinner! Pot Roast simmering always makes the house smell delicious!
Glad you got to put up your footsies too!
ahhhhh, John Mayer..he's got some voice!
thank you Cheryl, i'll definitely have a little of that delicious-looking pot roast. then i'll chill & relax a bit on your hammock. now, if we could taste food thru the computer, that would be REAL technology. lol
love your new pic!
I wanna come over and play with you. You had my kind of day!
The roast looks delicious and boy howdy do I want some. I may, just may, have to break down and cook one this weekend. But with it just being me, I would have to make sure I had peeps coming over.
Thanks for sharing your day with us. It puts my "early to work, watch the Buckeyes lose, still feeling under the weather, pineapple juice and water drinking self" that much better before I head to bed.
Hammock...good. Blue skies....great. Pot roast.....yummy. Looks so wonderful.
I want some, and I don't eat red meat! That looks wonderful. I use a couple of pioneer womans recipes, and I believe everything she makes is awesome.
I love the hammock photo--
Have a good Tuesday!
I can't believe it's warm enough for you to lay in your hammock with no shoes on! It only gets that warm here in July! ;) Glad you had a beautiful day.
That pot roast looks so yummy, and kudos to you for following the recipe. I'm so bad about that.
Hope today is another good day.
i was a paneravirgin until you tainted me. it is our new favorite place.
xoxoxo to you & your twinkly toes.
Errands! Errands! When will they ever end! I have a bunch to do myself. Now for that feet-in-hammock shot... Symbolizes relaxation and summer! Bring it on!!! :-)
I think I'm going to have to work pot roast into my menu plan for next week. It looks fantastic!
Yum, I'll be right over! Then I'll promptly lie on that net of yours and fall asleep! :)
I had to come over and view your pot roast picture! You can see the simmering bubbles!!
I have something I want to run past you..offline..email me when you have time!
Always always,
Cheryl- love the new photo of you with the glasses. (you are so pretty btw). anyway nice read there..
Mmmmmm...it does look yummy, so glad you enjoyed it!
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