I didn't disappear, although I've been away longer than usual. Sometimes there's just not much to say or I get busy. I have to pretend I have a life away from here. Kidding. I'm only 71% addicted, unlike Bon. I think she's 86%.
Crustybeef wrote the most amazing comment on my last post and I can't wait till Emily reads it. I also want Em to read some of the posts where people have written letters to their 13 year-old selves. It could put her perspective of 'I know everything now' in a different light. I'll make a confession, and you probably won't be surprised. I was a really good kid. I got along with everyone. I didn't rebel. Yes, I did some things my parents didn't know about, but luckily, I smartened up before it was too late. One of my biggest regrets is that I starting smoking at 17. Stupid. My parents smoked and I swore I never would. I mostly hid it for the almost 20 years I smoked---from clients, boyfriends, etc.. I led a double life. I was a good girl and that went against my 'image.' So, now, I'm dealing with an opinionated, very strong-willed daughter, and it ain't easy. She really is mostly all good, really.
So two guesses where I'm at? Panera's. I had their creamy vegetarian tomato soup with cheese croutons and a wedge of sourdough bread. I'm at my favorite location, in Laurel. I knew I'd be shopping at Sam's and Target and brought my laptop along just in case I wanted to eat and blog from here. Right. Just in case! This is the first time I've blogged during the lunch hour, and it's one hopping place. I think it's bigger than most of the locations, so I don't feel like I'm taking up valuable space. The Panera's in Bowie is much smaller and my mother and I often have to wait for a table.
Well, I better go before I wear out my welcome. Later!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Yeah, we all pretty much thought we had it all figured out by the time we were 13. I'm one of the few who really did. LOL
Okay, not really. ;-)
Not having a teenager myself, I can't really comment. But I love to hear how close you and Em are - my Mom and I are that way - and though there were of course some rocky times when I was a teenager - she's always been my rock to lean on. The two of you are lucky.
That soup from Panera sounds so good, I love tomato soup. I've never eaten at one, but you always make it sound like such a cozy place in your posts.
That is such a tough age with trying to figure out your personality and where you fit in life. Sounds like you're doing a good job, mom. Enjoy your day! It's good to see you 'back'. I've missed your posts.
Yes, it is so good to have you back.
How wonderful, Em let you in. That is half of the battle, knowing what is going on in their lives and how they feel about themselves.
Take care!
Soup and bread are the ultimate comfort foods, I think. My mom always made me tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches when I needed some TLC.
Crusty always knows exactly what to say and has the words to express herself. It is a compliment to your parenting that Em let you in. I hope the problem is solved and the two of you settle back into your lives as they were before the upset.
it's not easy raising a teen, but it's not easy being a teen either. emotions run high, sometimes seeming like there's no control over them. as long as there's communication, you'll both be ok. it's just life and growing up--not the easiest, even at my adult age. i'm glad your daughter talked to you as that will help to keep you two close.
Writing to your 13 year old self ... Wow... What a great idea! It could be quite theraputic I imagine.
Thank you for your comment on my video.
I've told many of my "Mom" friends and they're kids over the years that what I did from 13 thru 18, I spent from 19 to 25 apologizing for. Be good too your Mommies ! You'll regret the bad stuff later.
Lunch sounded divine! I will have to check Panera's out some time during the hustle and bustle of lunchtime. Fun!
You are the sweetest, ever!! I too love letters to 13self...it's such a good idea to revisit and understand, especially when or rather if we're lucky to have children.
HA, I started secret smoking at about 16...I need you to remind me to post a story about a car accident, a drug test and cigarettes..or did I already do that?
It's thursday...1024chicago time..I am turning in for the night..
I hope all is peaceful by you guys!!
If I wrote a letter to my 13 year old self, I think both of us would have a nervous breakdown. ;)
oh, sweetcheeks...
you are evil.
you make me want a laptop now
and blog at panera's.
and on the teenage drama thang.
i am so glad that you two are close.
an opinionated, very strong-willed
Yikes. My 7 yo. is this way already. You mean to tell me it will get worst? I'm skeered. Naw. I'm terrified. :)
Pass the tomato soup. Yum!
What! You have a life? Where's mine? I think I left it around here someplace, probably with my keys.
Crusty's comment is so amazing. I'm going to here with our next drama. :)
I think it's so awesome that the two of you communicate well even if you aren't getting along at the moment. Emily, I get that you want to figure out things on your own and find your own way. It's rough growing up when everyone thinks you are still just a kid.
It's just that it's so hard watching your daughter do things that you know isn't going to work out in the long run. Letting go...letting our babies find their own way...that can be the roughest part of parenting.
Just keep talking to each other...keep talking...
No wonder I can never find you while at Panera bread... it's always so crowded.
so now is the time to rebel Cheryl let the bad girl in you out!!!
Are you talking about the Panera's that is on 198 which is actually in Maryland City or is there another one right in Laurel? Have you been to the one in Dobin Center?
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