Just a quickie tonight. A post quickie.
I got in touch with the corporate office of the movie theater. I told them I wrote a e-mail about my experience with one of their theaters on Sunday, and was waiting for a reply. They asked which one, had me hold, then the woman began reading my e-mail out loud. I said, that's it. She was surprised that no one had called yet. She said she'd make sure a manager saw it today and someone would contact me. No contact.
Work was good. It's great to have the company of my clients. When I'm the one having a problem or need someone to bounce ideas off, they're there, and glad to listen. My clients know more about my life than my family. Have I said it's the perfect job for me? Of course I have.
So, tomorrow's another 11-7 day. And my 4th day of eating healthy. I think I'm over the sugar cravings. I was strong and resisted buying Jelly Belly's at Bed Bath and Beyond. I was proud of myself! I'm definitely a sugar addict. Jelly beans and candy corn are favorites. But, I regress.
Off to other things...for now....
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Wow, I'm proud of you. four days of healthy eating. I'm still in the "thinking about it" phase, which I think precedes the "putz about it" phase, although being time and energy efficient, I'm sure I've collapsed the phases.
You are lucky to have the company of your clients to bounce things off of. A definite perk!
I hope you hear from the movie theater and that they apologize up and down and give you free movie passes!
Man, doesn't that make you mad when there is a problem and they continue to ignore you? I hope you keep after them.
I'm so glad you enjoy your job - that makes life so much more pleasant. Hey, I saw your comments about the chicken, I'm so glad you liked it! My husband didn't like the peanuts either. Emily, ya just gotta give it a chance, ok? Expand your tastebuds! ;) I probably wouldn't have eaten at your age either.
Sometimes, eating healthy takes too much brain power for me. I think that's why I just ate some chocolate and then a piece of cheese. Not smart right before bed, but still quite yummy.
Can't remember if I sent you an email saying thanks for telling me how to do the link thing - If not Thank you so very much. I had no problem following your instructions. I wrote a long post and then deleted it.
It is always a pleasure going to work when you like your job. It's also good to have someone to bounce ideas to.
I can't believe that the theater isn't getting back to you. They are making a bad thing even worse. Ugh...
I hope they get back to you soon and offer you some movie passes or something...it was a horrible thing that happened.
Congrats on eating healthy...i just can't do it myself...i'm eating some buffalo wing pretzels as i type this...ok so my tongue is on fire but they are SO yummy.
Enjoy your weekend Cheryl!
Four days of eating healthy! That is wonderful! Im right there with you on the candy corn...man I LOVE that stuff.
cheryl, it tickles me to no end that you love what you do each day. that carries over to all aspects of your life...and it shows.
have a great day,chica.
Glad to hear you are knocking off all the sweets. I let my self have one goodie a day. I have it in the evening so I have it to look forward to. It makes it easy to pass on all the junk during the day. :-)
Well, don't expect a call from the theatre too soon! :-)
Good for you though that you can fight for what is right and in the best interests of your daughter.
good for you Cheryl! i've been doing pretty good also with healthy eating. hope i can keep it up. also, hope you hear back from a manager soon; if not, i'd call the corporate office again. they're there to be of service to you, the paying customer.
i always love how you love your job and your customers.
Congrats on eating healthy for 4 days! Lately I'm lucky to make it 4 hours.
Not to be a bad influence or anything, but if you like candy corn...the next time you're bad, you have to try candy corn mixed with Spanish peanuts. Oh baby, what a combo!! I loveLoveLOVE it!! Okay, so I was being a bad influence. Sorry about that!
I jumped over here from Ginni's blog - what a cool blog and congrats on the healthy eating; me too! Along with lots of water drinking...we rock, don't we! haha
My temptation today (that I resisted) wasn't Jelly Belly's although I love 'em, but a piece of my mom's cake...
good thing someone is eating healthy--- i'm supporting the fast food industry ya know. blech.
have a great weekend--
I love the cotton candy and oh no, what are the other fav's,..I can picture the taste, but can't think of how to explain them!!
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