Today was warm by MD standards. I think it was in the high 50's, and by mid-week should be in the 60's, before going down again. I spent the afternoon taking down all of the outdoor Christmas lights. It was nice to have an excuse to be outside. I hadn't realized that the deck lights weren't functioning. When I was taking them down I found many sites where the cord had been bitten clear through. Hello squirrel buddy of mine. I really wasn't surprised, although it was the first year that happened. It must be because of my Squirrel Buster feeder. Tit for tat.
I met Kit at the 'lodge'. We had a cozy couch to share and lots to talk about. Meeting her for coffee every Sunday is a LJ (I got that from Andrew..little joy). I came home and soon after Em and I left for Grace's Fortune. There were 10 of us for brunch, and we were in a separate room with a huge round table that probably could seat 15. The table had a huge lazy susan in the middle. The buffet items were unlike any that I've seen before. This was fine Chinese dining. The array of desserts was amazing. I won't even try to describe them. If you live anywhere near the restaurant, in Bowie, I'd highly recommend it. My brother and father picked up the tab, but I imagine it was at least $20 per person. My family was surprised by how much I ate. I told them I went to Golden Coral last night to prepare for today. Silly me. I ate small portions of many things. I was not overly full. On our way there, Emily grumbled about the buffet. She thought it was one that we don't go to anymore. When she saw the offerings, she said she was eating the brunch and not ordering off the menu like we planned. For most of her life she was such a picky eater, that I forget she actually likes food. She eats out a lot with her father, and I'm always surprised by the things she tells me she likes. The most recent was oysters in a tomato based sauce. Not for me!
The family outside of the restaurant. My brother had to be talked into this one.

I'm back in the house now. It got too cold outside for comfort. I really wanted to put out the hammock for a while, but the day just slipped away. There's always tomorrow.
I had two things I meant to write about before but forgot. Here's the first: Last week Emily wanted to wear her slippers to my parent's house for our visit and asked if we had to stop anywhere first. I told her I didn't know, but that her slippers look like suede clogs, and they'd be fine. We went to a huge and busy grocery store to pick up the lunch platter and what did we see? A man (not a kid or teenager) wearing a green flannel robe, with exposed bare legs, and slippers. And here Emily was worried about her slippers. Here's the second thing: When I was at the grocery store yesterday I checked out at the line by the cartons of cigarettes. There was a sign announcing that the MD tax on cigarettes went up $10 per carton and $1 per pack effective January 1. If ever there was a time to quit, this would be it. The average price of a carton was $51.50. I'm so glad I'm a former smoker. How do people afford it?
I finally bought the chuck roast to make my pot roast. The meat employee was putting out her wares and I told her I'd never made a pot roast and asked if she could show me a good package. She was surprised, as are most people when I tell them that, and was happy to educate me. She told me to look for good marbling, looked through the packages, and picked one out for me. I really meant to make it today, but got involved with outdoor chores. I'll make it tomorrow. It's not like we're going to be hungry for dinner after that buffet.
This post is way too long. I hope it held your interest. I'm tired out, and will be happy to hang out on the couch tonight without feeling lazy. I'm off tomorrow and have no plans other than cooking. Ladeda.
What a wonderful day you had! It's beautiful here, also. Your description of that meal made my tummy growl, Cheryl. I love your family picture. :)
I see women .. mostly young ... wearing PJs at the store or at Wal-Mart all the time. Never seen a man in his bathrobe there though. LOL
I don't normally like buffets cause they don't normally put out good stuff. And it's cold a lot of the time. I'm not a picky eater, but I do like it hot.
That is a wonderful family picture! Such smiles on every face:)
It sounds like you made the most of our mild weather Sunday. The image of the man in the bathrobe was hilarious! I can't wait to hear how the pot roast turns out - I bet it's delicious!
Mild weather in winter is meant to be savored. It can be really cold in MD. The pictures are really nice. The family looked content and happy to be together - isn't it nice to have that kind of family?
The brunch sounds fab. Did they serve the food items on the lazy susan? There is/was a unique Chinese restaurant in Tyson's Corner that served special dinners that way. I always made it a point to take my interns there when we were in the area and had time for a relaxed dinner.
I have no idea how much a carton of cigarettes would be in Alabama. I never smoked - just too lazy to keep up with lighted cigs and too stingy to spend hard earned $$ on them.
hi again..
sounds like another great day in your world.
the pic is great, y'all look all happy to be together.
hope your tomorrow is good too.
Your post kept me interested. Long or short, I read what you have to say. I'm nosy like that. Hee Hee ;)
Nice looking group you have there. Glad you had a great day with the family and the food matched the company.
I am a bit envious of your weather. We were chilly today but at least there was sun for a bit.
I think I am past being shocked at what people wear out and about these days.
Whatever happened to personal pride is the question I find myself asking more and more.
Hope your roast turns out wonderfully. I am sure it will. Please take pictures and share with us. It will be just like we are there with you and Emily.
I always love your posts whether they are long or short.
I think people are taking jammies to a new high--and some days, I don't think thats so bad.
Have a good day off today. :)
Yikes! I am glad that I stopped smoking!
Jammies in the grocery store? If only it was normal here and you bet I'd be the one in my pink oversized robe and my leopard print slippers!
how funny that you discovered the exposure while Em was in her own comfort footsies.
Back to school`
it's been a nice break!
Happy weekend on monday for you!! :)
Nice to see still so much green in winter. I think you have a lovely home and garden.
Ya try to make your posts shorter -how do you excpect me to read them at work. :))
Luv from
I'll have to go Bowie and give Grace's Fortune a try. Sounds great.
Yesterday's weather was terrific and today's is even better!
I always make pot roast in my slow cooker - melts in your mouth.
I can't believe people spend that much money on cigarettes. I'm one of those people who have never smoked. :-)
Enjoy your day off.
I love your new profile picture by the way! that black and white shirt looks great with your skin and eye color!!!
I'm off to make grilled cheese and Tom soup!
Happy Monday!
I like all your new profile pics. I liked the one before this too, it looked like you. Sounds like life is fun for you lately. Today was so warm it made me feel drowsy. Even Oakleigh wanted to lay down on our walk.
ok, now that i see the word "ladeda" at the end of your post, can you tell me what it means?
i think that's too funny about the man in his flannel bathrobe with his bare legs showing wearing slippers in the store. it's the in-thing with the young people.
It wasnt too long a post, i rather enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed your time relaxing on the sofa.
As to the smoking..i dont know how people can afford it. My sister and nephew both smoke and its costs them a fortune and i worry about their's hoping they'll both quit soon.
ps..congrats on being a former smoker!
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