The pot roast was beyond delicious. How could something so simple taste so good? JD said it was much, much better than his mother's and he couldn't believe I'd never made it before. Emily couldn't eat it fast enough, she loved it so much! I am a happy camper.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Pot roast certainly is delicious and usually so easy to cook. Just leave it in the crockpot all day. I love having it, but I have to really plan it in advance so I'll get it ready before I leave for work.
It looks like a picture out of a cookbook. Can't believe its your first.
Don't ya just love it when they eat instead of picking at the food? It certainly looks good. I liked the idea of not cooking potatoes with the roast. The hint from PW about cream cheese in creamed potatoes is a good one. I've done that for years. It really makes a difference.
I love pot roast. My kids don't. Grrr. It's beautiful!
another perfect day for you. how do you do it????
i don't know if it's just the way you write it, or if a person can actually BE this happy--- but i want to come live with you...LOL
i'm really happy that you had such a great day
and also--that you can post a picture of your FEET on your blog!!!
i would NEVER do such a thing. haha.
if you had seen them you would know why. but hey-- people who love me think they're cute-- or at least funny. you'd have to actually see them to know why-- but you never will.
ok i'm leaving.
i hope you have another great day today
i just gotta find a better word...geesh.
btw-- that roast looks out of this world!
The pot roast looks delicious.
I think cold pot roast makes great sandwiches too. I put just a touch of mayo on it.
It's always great to have your meals satisfying.
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