It was kind of nice writing a post yesterday morning instead of after work. I find it hard to comment and write my own post in the same sitting. Plus I'm trying to spend a little less time on the computer.
It's Thursday, but I'm heading into work. Emily and I are going to a wedding on Saturday, so I switched days off. A couple that live on my cul-de-sac are getting married, and a bunch of us neighbors are attending. It should be a lot of fun, especially with all of us being seated together. I'll be picking Emily's dress up from the dry cleaner's today with the hope that they were able to fix it enough to make it wearable. We all agree that dress looks nicer than the back-up. I never did get in touch with the dry cleaners that ruined it. I didn't have time, and I'm sure they have some sort of clause about not being responsible. BTW, still no word from the movie theater in response to my e-mail. I'll call them tomorrow.
Have a great day!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
You could always sue the dry cleaner that messed up for like 10 million dollars or something close to that. It might work. ;-)
hi Cheryl, ok, i'm playing catch up here, so i'm posting answers to your previous posts here. lol your posts are interesting, so it makes interesting reading.
Jay has a good idea--like the man and his pants in the news. lol that's really sad about Emily's dress though; i am so particular about where i take my clothes. it took me months to find the one i'm going to now after my other one closed up and moved.
i love "runaway bride." i've lost count on how many times i've watched it. love julia roberts and richard gere.
i'm glad you complained to the movie manager, and i do hope you hear from the corporate office real soon. they're usually pretty good in responding quickly, at least the AMC theatres are. it was no reason why an usher couldn't have taken your daughter to you to let you know what was going on. that's why i always keep my cell phone on vibrate, even in the movie theatre.
You were right to complain to the theatre and you need to call back with everything in the news you can never be too careful where your kids are concerned, Also I had an incident with a drycleaner and they ruined a nice outfit and they replaced it, all I did was ask. Good Luck and have fun at the wedding!
Hope you enjoy yourself at the wedding! Should be fun for you guys!!!
Sleep some tonight, okay? :)
Does anyone know if Greys is new or a rerun tonight??
your friend,
What a fun wedding, I love hearing about neighbors that get along.
Have a great day!
aren't they responsible for such a mistake? at least to replace your dress?
i am officially all caught up on your blog. yeah!
Hope that your day at the wedding goes great Cheryl! Don't let that dress fiasco ruin your day as I am sure your daughter will look beautiful in it. Take care! :-)
Oh, I hope you have fun! Can't wait to hear about it.
I'm trying to spend less time on the computer too. HA! It's not happenin'!
Sorry to hear about the dress...seems like they should be liable.
Good luck
I hope the movie theater gives you a whole BUNCH of free passes. It can only help them. Last week my dry cleaner sent me home with ten shirts and two pants telling me Steve brought them in. When I got home Steve told me he doesn't even OWN ten shirts. What a pain in the arse.
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