I spent a good part of today with my mom. Now that the holidays are over, we'll get back to our normal routine. I wanted to check out my parent's new 'home theater' system. My father just bought the top of the line Samsung 52" LCD HDTV, along with a Blu-Ray disc player and a HD-DVD player, and had The Geek Squad install it. They already had the Bose surround sound system. And probably hundreds of DVDs. So I asked my dad how he liked watching DVDs on the system, and guess what? He hadn't seen any because he didn't know how. I decided to try to figure it out for them. I can't believe how complicated it is. It's a wonder that anyone can play a DVD! You have to start with the Bose remote and switch it to AUX. Then use the Samsung remote to turn on the TV. Then the Toshiba remote to turn on the DVD player. Then the DirectTV remote and switch it to HDMI2. Then back to the Toshiba remote, and finally, your movie. I didn't even try the Blu-Ray player. I typed out the instructions for my parents, and think my father will probably 'get it.' I don't think my mom will, and she watches a lot of movies. She'll just go into another room and use another TV. I know they have universal remotes, but I don't know that it would be easier--they look like complicated little computers. You'd probably need The Geek Squad to set up the remote! With all TVs going digital next year, and then the digital DVD players to go with them, there's going to be a lot of confused people.
So my mom and I went to Old Country Buffet. She love it there, and actually, I do too. The problem is I always, every single time, overeat. I think the food is fresh and delicious. A person could have a really good, nutritious meal. Could. But not me. Why, oh why, did I have that piece of cheesecake after having a dinner-plate size dessert of bread pudding, peach cobbler, apple crisp and banana pudding with a generous mound of soft-serve ice cream in the center? After 2 plates of lunch? I don't kid when I say I can eat at those buffets. And why I should stay away.
I hung out with my mom at her house till her soap, Passions, began. That is one racy show! I left and drove over to HomeGoods and browsed the aisles. Then I came home. I caught up on my newspapers while watching Oprah and the news. Then it was on to dinner (my appetite returned, somehow), and time with Emily. I sat by her side while she read through all the archives of Becca's blog. She's the daughter of one of my co-workers, and I really enjoy her blog. I wanted Emily to listen to the music on it (ever heard of Landon Pigg?), and she was hooked and read every single post. Em's upstairs doing homework now, and here I am. Ready to put this day to rest!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Your days are always full to the rim, and you never seem rattled by all the events of the day. There was a time, years ago, when I could be on the go all day and still have energy to spare. Those days are over for me. But, as you've said several times, I love my life as it is and would like to keep it this way.
Buffets, in general, are a peril. I have no sense of restraint when confronted with rows and rows of food. I always eat too much and regret it afterwards.
Hope you have a calm week with no bumps along the way.
I know what you mean about the TV/DVD/VCR. We bought my parents a new big screen TV for Christmas. Then the old DVD/VCR was not compatible. The grandkids bought a new DVD/VCR player for it.
It has been hard for them to use and it took my sons many visits to get the thing hooked up correctedly.
Sounds like a nice day with your mom!
Sounds like you had a great day!! And YUM, I love cheesecake, I can't say as I blame you for having some, even after all that other stuff..LOL
Hey, is it okay for me to put a link to your blog on my blog?
I bet I would like Old Country Buffet. We had this terrible chain of buffets down here called Barne's Family Buffet. My co-worker at the University would have to eat at them every time we traveled. Yours sounds much better and now I have the munchies! Ha!
They definitely need a big old universal remote so they can turn things off and on with one remote. It can get wayyyy too complicated to use all the little gadgets that get hooked up together. It won't be too long until it will all be run by our laptops though. Just double click on which electronic item you want to watch or listen to.
I'm Pea Green with ebvy over your folks new TV set up - But I spend enough time staring at that dang box anyway - Maybe when I retire !
ENVY - Dang it
Sounds like another great day in the life of Cheryl.
Lord help me when we have to switch everything over. I will be the one asking all my mechanically inclined friends to help me get everything going again.
We have an Old Country Buffet and I went once or twice. If I were a buffet kind of girl, I can see how much trouble I could get into there.
I say you live once so go for the dessert. Practice restraint the next couple of days and it all ends up ok. That is my theory and I am sticking to it.
I think I got dizzy reading all the things your parents had to do to watch a movie. Holy cow! I'm kind of surprised the Geek people didn't sort out the remotes for your parents. I would think they would have done that.
I love Old Country Buffet! Yumm. I love the cherry crisp dessert. Sounds good to me.
Enjoy your day!
Hi Cheryl! Sounds like you had a busy day! I was wondering what kind of store "HomeGoods" is? We don't have one around here.
Wishing you a peaceful day....
Oh boy do I ever know what you're talking about..damn remotes..tv video 6, receiver set to video one, satellite box off, dvd on..
perhaps a congratulations on their new present you could purchase them a universal remote..they have them at Sams and Costco and there are lots of them with really BIG buttons...as far as programing the uni with the remaining 6 (HA!) Check with geekies, but as long as you have the brand type of system that they have, they'll be able to help..
Oprah,..sigh..I wish I could watch her..there's just not enough time.
Did you see something familiar on her show in regards to what we were talking about?? :) faxing today..a few days for paperwork and then information will be sent out!! :) blotchy!! :)
Have you ever heard of EXPO the furniture, tools,..type place? Google and you could sign up for their catalog..the stuff is pricey but they give fabulous ideas!!
have a great day!
Please tell your parents I'll be over to watch the Super Bowl at around 6:00 PM on Feb 3rd.
i'm just as confused as they are when it comes to that stuff... i can't even play a dvd on an xbox 360-- that's just sad.
and btw--- i just love the relationship you have with your mom.
happy tuesday!
Wow, that sounds complicated. Another reason I'm glad we chucked out our TV. :-)
You didn't really eat all those desserts at one time did you? :-)
I never do good at buffets - I can't eat much before I get full and I don't like that feeling.
Have a great Tuesday.
I am not sure if you have seen National Treasure at the movies recently but here in Canada there was a Disney cartoon starring Goofy at the beginning of the movie and it is sooo applicable to your parent's DVD, TV remote story. I am going to have to see if I can track it down on the net for you.
I think the whole HD conversion thing, while nice for those who can afford/understand it is, for the most part, a crock of you know what. But it's nice that you were able to figure out your parents' and leave them with a little direction. If I ever get one I know who to call:)
Have a happy Tuesday!
Oh why oh why did my appetite pick RIGHT NOW to kick in?!! Not only are my husband and daughter out running errands and about an hour from coming home, but I had to read about your scrumptious buffet!!! Hopefully David and Bren will be home fast so they can fix me a PB&J...being laid up has it's benefits. :)
Thanks for plugging my blog.
I found Landon Pigg by searching for the song I heard on the Diamonds are Forever Commercial. The song was just so honest and romantic, and as it turns out, so are most of Landon's songs. He's a great song writer and I'm glad I found him and that you like him too!
Take care!!
It's hump day...are you enjoying it a bit?
That sounds like a perfectly WONDERFUL day. And YOU are such a good daughter. I should be so much more like you. I feel guilty when I read all that you do with your mom.
Have a good day today!
Hope you are well and hope your day is going good!
I can't get those dove candies out of my head!!
it seems the more technical gadgets they come out with, the more complicated everything gets. who knew when black & white t.v.s first came out w/the big "rabbit ears," that one day it would evolve into all of this? i'd have to have instructions written down for me too.
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