I've been waking up early to drive Emily to school in the morning. In the past, she's had JD to hang out with for the 9 minutes between arriving at school and the start of class. Now she doesn't want to wait alone, and I told her I'd drive for awhile. I'm off today, with no real plans, so I got properly dressed and headed straight to Panera's, arriving at 7:30. It's 9:00 now; time flies when you're having fun. The sun's come out and the sky is a cloudless blue. The wind is blowing up a storm, and the temp is in the 40's. If I were home, I don't think I'd be as happy.
Monday night, I noticed my throat was feeling scratchy as I was reading Eat Pray Love aloud to Emily. It got worse yesterday as I talked all day long to my clients. (I have a lot of stories and always thank them for listening.) Today? I only have a whisper. This is so weird. I never get sick, and I had that looooog cold in December. I'm thankful that I'm not working today so I can completely rest my voice. I have a new client tomorrow, and it's really important to be especially inquisitive and talkative so as to put new clients (and yourself) at ease. I want my voice back!
I'm off today because tomorrow is our quarterly salon meeting, and as long as I have to be there for that, I might as well work. I'm kind of unprepared for this day off. It would be a good day to cook, but I didn't plan and have no recipes in mind. I might just search the web and go shopping straight from here. I'll stop in at Sam's Club since it's across the street. There's nothing I feel like doing at home, but the day will unfold, and it will be fine.
Well, it's time for me to look for some recipes. I hope your Wednesday finds you, hmmm, what? Thankful, I think.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Take good care of yourself. It seems so many people are getting the ickies and feeling horrible right now.
I hope you feel better soon.
You know what's funny -I like quiet when I get my hair cut. I don't want to talk it up, I just want to sit and have my hair cut without all the small talk.
I usually go to one of those old barber shops, you know the one's where they soak the combs in the blue water?
You need to rest!
I woke today with the similar funky coated throat ache as well..it feels like someone painted it with heavy duty cream..not sore, but raw, but..I dunno...
anyhow, I remember the post breakup late arrival to school too...it's good that she's changing around her routine..annoying though as I remember that guys still go about their business, same routine as before, and for our own emotional improvement, we have to go in later, because the preschool hangout was spent together...
She could possibly ask a friend if she could "meet by their locker" to avoid the prebell heartache..change is good..why don't they do it though? meaning the guys?...
I hope you feel better!!!
Actually, this Wednesday has found me in a very thankful perspective. I hope it is a good day off for you, and you enjoy whatever it is that comes your way, or that you bring your way! I'm sorry to hear Emily is going through a heartache right now, but it is nice that you guys get to spend some extra time together...just looking for the silver lining:)
Emily is a lucky young lady. I certainly admire your attention to her needs.
A day without plans is not a bad thing. Just let one moment guide you to the next. Who knows you might be really surprised at the outcome. Whatever, enjoy!
The girl who used to cut my hair was really talkative. We even discovered that her grandmother once lived next door to my grandmother. Every time I got my hair cut we spent the whole time talking about people we both know and are related to. But, then she quit and moved away. The new chick doesn't talk much at all. I guess she's concentrating. LOL
Hope you get some rest. Drink some tea with lemon and honey that always helps me.
Enjoy your day off Cheryl - I hope you get some rest and kick the nasty off before it really gets started.
too bad you don't live down here. Beach day except i had errands to run with a friend. Beach day is the next 3 days for sure. low 80's / sunshine.
Have an awesome day off.
I'm sorry to hear you've lost your voice. You have been going going going this winter. Maybe these folks are right about needing to rest. You know what? I hate word verification too. I put it on because I got spammed and that was annoying. But I hate to have to do that on blogs. I get annoyed every time. Sometimes I cannot read them. So I took mine off.
Hope you found something you liked doing on your day off.
I just got back from Baltimore.
Those wind chimes are really getting a work out today. :-)
I hope you get to feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun at all.
I am glad you and Em are getting to spend the extra time together. She is lucky to have such an understanding mom.
I go back and forth with the talking and non talking. There are days that is the only down time I get so I take full advantage of letting my stylist and friend do her thing while I do nothing.
But girl talk is always a good thing...
well..did it unfold ok?
hope so.
Sorry about your voice....I'm raspy today too! I don't know if I'm losing my voice or coming down with something. Hope it's just the voice going!
Hope you're better soon! It's terrible to not be able to talk!!
I just wanted to let you know that getting a comment from you is like getting 20 comments on a post. It always makes me smile. I hope you are having a good night and enjoying your routines. Maggie would thank you if she could.
Gargle with hot salty water dear - Grandmas recipes always works -
Lemon in hot water. There's my hint for day. ;)
Take care of yourself, don't talk too much. Make sure you have lozenges for tomorrow!
A day off with no plans? What could be better? It sounds like heaven to me.
I hope your voice is back to normal today. :)
I want to thank you for all the kind and wonderful comments you have left for my daughter and myself lately, you have no idea how much they help.
I hope you're feeling better! I think I've found the "reason" although it won't improve your lil bug, but,..I remember a round of the bloggers having a flu virus back before Christmas..and you and I chatting about how lucky you've been to have never been struck with the flu..and then BOOM, just before your Xmas Party, you get sick...
So I'm thinking you have the ever obvious Blogger Bug..anytime you read that one of us are sick,..hold your breath, and after you leave our site, wash your hands! :)
Hee-hee! Feel better!!
cheryl, i hope you are feeling better.
the throatscratchyscratch leads to worse thangs, usually. can you ward it off with umcka?
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