I meant to write earlier but got involved with this and that. Mostly I was on the phone with Verizon. My much anticipated hi-definition set top box was delivered today. I've been waiting for it since late February. I actually got a new standard box with DVR last week and I did the self-install with the help of a tech on the phone. I knew exactly what to do today, but there were some kinks with the programming on Verizon's end. Oh, it was a glorious sight when the hi-def kicked in. What a difference!
I made a dinner tonight that I had to throw away. I bought a package of veal scallopini on sale. I never buy veal, but, well, it was marked down for 'quick sale' and I thought I'd make a quick Veal Parmesan. I coated the meat with flour and quickly fried it. I put some jarred spaghetti sauce on the bottom of a baking pan, then the veal, then more sauce topped with mozzarella cheese. I put it together yesterday. Today I planned to bake it and serve with spaghetti, but then Emily was invited to a friend's and I didn't feel like going through the bother for myself. I just microwaved the dish. It didn't look very appetizing. No browned bits of cheese or deep tomato color. The meat was rubbery and rare tasting. I was afraid of over-cooking it but might not have cooked it long enough. I had about two bites and decided to scrap it. Instead I had two leftover chicken fingers and ice cream. Protein, starch and dairy. Oh, and I finished the dark-chocolate covered edamame beans (from Trader Joe's), so I guess that counts as a vegetable.
The weather promises to be warm tomorrow. And I'm off! A good combination.
Washing Windows
30 degrees, clear skies, and no wind this morning when I went walking in
Now that we had the time change I'm plunged into darkness
again when I walk....
2 hours ago
You'd think veal would be very easy to cook but it isn't. The line between too much and not enough is very fine. Dark choc covered edamame beans - now there's a treat I haven't had for a long time. Yummy.
Have a fun day filled with sunshine and fun.
Sorry that didn't sound very appetizing. I have come to the conclusion that microwaved meat of any variety is just yuck. Good ol oven cooking works every time.
Enjoy your day tomorrow!
DVR is the greatest invention since TV. I don't think I could live life without it ever again.
yep the nuked veal-- i don't think so. i'm with kelly on that one-- microwaves were made for popcorn and potatoes. period. :))
hope you have a great day today-- :)
hi-def is pretty awesome. Jay got me a little one for the kitchen for Christmas. I was amazed it did get nipped in the break in. So my glassis half full. ! Have a great Day!
Sorry about dinner, but you had ice cream - it can't be all bad. :-)
Hope you enjoy your day off. I plan to be outside again.
It is a beautiful day - I hope you're enjoying it! And when it's over, enjoy that HDTV:)
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