I have a subscription to Cook's Country magazine and made my first recipe from it for Skillet-Baked Spaghetti with Meat Sauce. It was very good, but I don't think I'm a casserole person. Still, it was easy, tasty, and used just one pan for the whole process. Plus it looked just like the picture in the magazine.

I wish I had more for you, but that's it. I'm ready to put this day to rest. I've read the first third of Kelly's book, and I can't wait to get in my PJ's and read some more.
That spaghetti looks fabulous! I'm all about casseroles--saves me time on those late nights with a howling child (er, husband, tee-hee) in the background.
That spaghetti looks pretty yummy. I made some over the weekend too! I love spaghetti!
I love stuff like that!! Yum. I could make it with whole wheat pasta and probably have it on my diet! Yummmmm
Skillet spaghetti - that's a new twist!
You sound blue today - I hope you are in your pj's and snuggled in bed with your book.
Have a good night -
Yum. I will be right over. :)
cheryl, that looks really good...
cheryl, that looks really good...
looks good-- and one pan eh? sounds perfect for a dish hater like me!
i have two chapters to go on kellys book.. wanna know the ending? (just kiddin :))
i hope you have a good day today-- did you get you phone book tranferred?
Email from a cell phone... I have never bothered. I don't even use the other ringers or hardly the camera for that matter. I was going to get a Razor but opted for the Chocolate Flip.
Now for that caserole in the oven... That's what I call a tasty meal! :-)
I'm about half way with Kelli's book and really liking it. feeling slug -like today and just want to crawl back in bed. I really should install one in my office. Have a good day Love!
That looks really good, but I would like it without the meat. I love casseroles!
I'm having just regular ole speghetti for supper tonight.
hey cheryl...
that skillet dish looks delicious.
i'm back in MD now.. my sd870 worked out real well, i love it. it goes everywhere with me.
I took this pic with it.
talk with you soon,
jim baker
I am a casserole man and this gets Andrew's casserole stamp of approval. I bet I would love that meal.
Today I took the girls to the groomers and went to Whole Foods for a few healthy things, then home to clean the carpets with my trusty Bissell Carpet cleaner and the sofa. So my domestic engineer day is over.
It's raining down here, again. We need the water desperately.
Have an awesome night.
It looks good!
I make tuna casserole about twice a month. Even though I don't eat meat I do occasionally eat fish and seafood.
Have fun reading!
Hi Cheryl...I've been reading you for a long time but have just never commented. I just love your life and from the pictures I've seen, I love your home. We've been bumping into each other on other blogs...we seem to go to a lot of the same places...so you probably kinda know me a little. Anyway, I do love your attitude....maybe its because I'm sort of reminded of how it was for me about 25 years ago.
But...if you have the time, please share the recipe for the spaghetti casserole. I'm all about easy...the easier the better. Plus that it looks yummy. Thanks a lot. TTYS
Keep smiling.
Spaghetti casserole a hit with all of us! Looks so yummy.
Hope you cuddled up and finished your book.
Are you watching Idol? Our David Cook didn't get such good reviews tonight. :-(
That spaghetti casserole looks sooo good. We love spaghetti and we love casseroles too. Sounds like the perfect relationship.
I'm so pleased you're enjoying the book!! Sleep well.
Hope your day tomorrow is a good one!
Hi Cheryl, what is a casserole person? Makes me want to draw eyes and a nose on the photo, put little arms and legs on it and call it "casserole man," like Brads Mr. Stumpy. It looks really good.
ok what time can I come by for some of that? Looks sooooo good!!!
So, where do I find the recipe? Could you post it for me please? It looks really good!!
I love what Green Bon BOn said...make it a "ASK THE C-ass-a-ROLE" post weekly! I'd ask her questions! :)
Yes, too much coffee today..entirely way to much..but my kitchen is re-arranged, so that's good. :)
Happy wednesday my friend!! Sorry about the celli..that's annoying. You should be able to access it, but it's dreadfully slow-I have a razr..soon to be discarded for an Envy..from Verizon...look into it. :) WE could make free calls to one another!
See? Too much coffee.
The end.
LOL @ Bonnie...
I think the casserole looks wonderful! Girl...you should be a professional chef...and cook for me, LOL
Hope your week is going great!
YUMM! I am so far away from thinking about cooking right now, but if I was there, this would be it for me. I love a good casserole!
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