I'm resting up at the hotel after a busy day. The fierce thunderstorm let up just enough for me to walk to the class this morning. There are 9 of us along with a wonderful British instructor, Sarah. The first part of the day concentrated on the theory of cutting hair and different techniques. After lunch we learned how to do a one length, zero-degree, blunt A-line haircut. We were shown the cutting technique, then went to our mannequins to begin the haircut. First all of our partings were approved by the instructor, then we began. We cut 3/4 of the hair then learned how to dry a zero-degree cut. Tomorrow we'll learn how to finish the haircut, then start learning how to do a graduated cut. Some of the students in the class have been hairdressers for 30 years, some 2, yet it really was a level playing field. It was exciting to be doing the cut, yet nerve-wracking trying to get it right. I decided not to drink any coffee today, which was a good decision. I'm sure my hands would have been shaking more than they already were. I wasn't the only one so I didn't feel nervous about it. My haircut looks even so far, so I feel good about the class. Shortly before it was over for the day, it started thundering and lightning. One of my classmates offered to drop me off at the hotel. When we drove out of the parking lot, the storm had passed. Again. Kit was at our door trying to get in just as I came off the elevator. Perfect timing. She spent the day with her father. Now we're both resting with our laptops. Ah, this is the life!
I've been taking pictures, but forgot to bring the camera cable to download them. I'll put them up when I get home.
Hope it's been a good weekend in your part of the world.
Washing Windows
30 degrees, clear skies, and no wind this morning when I went walking in
Now that we had the time change I'm plunged into darkness
again when I walk....
2 hours ago
I'm thinking that my barber probably should be going to this class too. Actually, the girl who cut my hair last time just graduated from barber school in December. I think she needs to go back for a little refreshing already. LOL
How great that everyone has different levels of experience. Sounds like you are learning a lot and having fun at the same time.
Take care,
How fun! I wish I understood the zero degree blunt a line thing, but it sounds chic. I read your other posts and way to go on the review!! Thats awesome. Can I google you now?? :)
Hope you have a great class tomorrow!
Sounds like class is going well and you are getting to relax too.
Hope today is a good one too. :-)
Rock the class like the rockstar you are!
Glad you are enjoying the time on the road.
Can't wait to see your pictures.
I wish you'd just post a picture of that cut. It sounds so exactly what I used to be looking for. RIGID. So that means it's not for curly heads, right? Booo. Hooo. I still love you though.
What a great adventure you're having! And it makes it even more special because you're learning something new! How cool is that!!!
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