So...I went to Lowe's to buy a garden cart, but alas, they didn't have the kind I wanted. I went to Home Depot and bought the one I looked at last week, and they honored my Lowe's coupon. I think I'll put the wheel back on the old barrow and put it on Craigslist as a freebie. There's probably someone out there with a good wheel and a bad barrow. Can you separate the words like that?
Work was great today. Very busy. I've been incorporating some of my newly learned techniques and see a subtle but improved difference in my work. I feel motivated to be better. That's the great thing about going to classes or shows: they motivate you. I had a caramel latte during work today. Caffeine's a great motivator too. Most of you know I stay far away from caffeine on work days. Partway through the day I looked at my client list and knew I'd be fine with a cup. I wonder how late I'll be up tonight?
I went for a long walk after dinner. I've done that a few times lately and it felt so good. I love to look at people's yards and gardens while I walk. I'm pretty nosy. Have I mentioned how I like to walk on recycling day so I can see who recycles and who doesn't? It's also interesting to look at the packaging left at the curb. You can see who has a new TV, mixer, weedwacker, etc...Weird, I know. I can't help it.
I used my garden cart to bring up 8 bags of mulch. Even with the cart it's hard to push 2 bags uphill at a time. I wonder how many bags my front garden will take? My mom has plans for tomorrow so I'll have the day at home to take care of this big job. I'll be hurting tomorrow night.
Well, I guess I've done enough rambling for one night. Hope it wasn't boring. Sometimes it just is.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
1 day ago
The funnest day to go for a walk around the neighborhood is the 1st trash day after Christmas. You get to see what everybody got for Christmas! LOL
Nah, it wasn't boring at all. Your insight into your neighbors is something I now realize I do as well. Looking at this and that of theirs and wondering about them.
I'm glad you finally have a cooperative wheel barrow and make sure you take breaks to get through your work tomorrow.
I hope you are sleeping soundly now!
My sister and I like Garage Sale Day...then you get to see what kind of weird stuff your neighbors buy.
Mulch time...UGH. Last year I paid some big, strapping boys I call "The Brain Trust" (not because of their combined IQ, believe me) to haul and spread my mulch. I took them to lunch at an all you can eat pizza place. Best money I spent all season!
Have a happy day, Cheryl!
Too funny you get to see what the neighbors have bought, I love to look at neighhbors lawns too. Funny in my neighborhood once someone works on their yard it's like a competition. Have a wonderful day!
Girl, you just might be as nosey as I am! I love to walk and look at what other people have out, at their gardens, etc. My hands down FAVORITE time to walk is Thanksgiving evening. We always eat around 4 - so then I'm ready for an evening walk to walk it all off - and I can peer into other people's windows and see what they're doing.
Wish i was out spreading mulch with you. I hope you enjoy your day on your own today.
Take it easy on the mulching. Remember then pain you were in after power washing. You are our little over achiever!
If you keep walking, before you know it you'll be addicted to it like me. :-)
Glad you got your garden cart. I love mine.
I couldn't get along without my garden cart! Altho we're thinking of getting a truckload of mulch this year. I love the bagged stuff, but it's getting sooooo expensive. Yikes!
I smiled when you wrote you were nosey like that. I think we all are. I watch my next door neighbors driving all day and wonder how they afford the gas. So, you are not alone. I hope you're not too tired today. Your such a busybody Cheryl! LOL I could never keep up with you. Take care friend, and rest tonight.
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