I love jelly beans, and sometimes I need them, and this is one of those times. Home stress=jelly beans. Oh well, I have chocolate. Things had been going so well, and I hope that despite the words spoken today that they'll be back to good again soon. What a hard job this parenting thing is. I can't even imagine what it's like to be a teenager. One day our kids will be parents and I hear that some of them even apologize. That would be a gift.
I'm settling in for a night of TV and reading, with a little laundry thrown in. Relaxing. I'll be back for real soon.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
17 hours ago
I think parenting teenagers is the most difficult thing I've ever done. She'll come back to you; hang in there. You're a great mother.
i couldn't do this teenager thing either. i don't wanna be one--and i don't necessarily want to raise her by myself. i don't dare attempt it. either way.
you know how to reach me if you need to rant.
take care---
Are you watching LOST tonight? I am in a few minutes.
It does get better with teens, honest.
You make me want to call my mother and apologize some more. It does happen. I was a little shit and I sure said a lot of sorry's.
I'm sorry it's so tough.
Sorry your having troubles again. It is tough having teenagers.
My son David still apologizes to us and he is 36.
I'm sorry there are new problems. I hope it's only temporary.
Eat a jelly bean for me.
You're talking (or writing) to another jelly bean addict. I'm glad Jelly Bellys cost so much (for me at least) or I'd really be in trouble. Like you, the WalMart/Sams jelly beans are just fine.
And, about kids growing up and apologizing -- believe it. It's happening to me, and it's so very nice. It's worth waiting for, beleive me.
Ugh, I know how you feel! Mine is just now starting and this year has been HARD already!
Hugs! I'm so sorry it was a rough day for you yesterday. I hope today is better.
Thank you so much for that adorable card - Clarke told me over the phone while I was still on vaca that I had an envelope waiting from you - it gave me something to look forward to. :)
That soup looks yummy and I would love the recipe some time.
And the boyfriends hair looked so cute after you cut it the first time - you could see his face so much better.
love & hugs - I missed you. :)
I have two teens, One's in college in NY so he doesn't bother me. but my daughter gives me enough drama to compensate
Yes, some of us had a lot of apologizing to do and eventually it did come. I hope the chocolate helped a little and today was a better day!
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you, and sending you lots of Jelly Bean-ish thoughts!
Can I just say that I had to chuckle when I heard Jesse - yes, six year old Jesse - say, "Daddy, you can be such a dork." To use a "sayin'" that I first heard in the mountains: "Well, they pay fer thur raisin'." Remember that.
I'm here, too, if you need to sound off.
My duaghter apologized the first time she had her father, brother and I to her apartement after she married. She couldn't believe how she disrespected me by not helping, not caring and not being responsible at times. I told her as long as she knew the difference, then I had done my job. She is a delightful young woman, a great mother and a terrific wife.
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