I was going to say I'm getting ready for a day of work, but really I am ready with about 20 minutes left over for computer time. I probably mentioned that Emily has been sick. She missed 3 days of school! Her dad took her to the doctor's yesterday for the second time. They confirmed that it's not the flu, strep, etc... Did lab tests. Say it's just a really bad cold, but put her on a Z-pack anyway. She spent the night at his house last night and I washed all her bedding, wiped down everything with Clorox wipes, and have her windows open. I hope she comes home today or tomorrow feeling much better. I hope I don't get what she has.
Not much going on with me. I'm looking forward to work and then my lattes. Yes, plural. Another BOGO :))
BTW, it's Brad's birthday today, just in case you want to stop by and wish a favorite blogger a birthday wish. Happy Day Brad!
Happy Saturday.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago
I hope Emily starts feeling better too, and that you manage to avoid the bug. There sure has been some tough ones going around this year.
Hope Emily feels better real soon. Enjoy your day.
Have a great weekend, and I hope you don't catch Emily's cold!
I know you hate OTC drugs, but at the slightest indication you are getting a cold -- use some Zicam. It really works. I hope Em's on the mend, too.
Thanks Dear! - I don't feel a day over 46.
Hope Em feels better and that you escape the bug. I've spent the day taking care of Sarah and baby Mav. They are both sick and on anitbiotics. Hope I don't catch it but right now I'm too tired to care.
Sorry to hear about Emily. :(
Kieran is coming down with something. I've been so thankful - the super soft, lotion tissues have been on my nightstand for months collecting dust! With everything that is going around I'm hoping whatever this turns out to be is minor. Everyone I know is doing combat with some virus or another!
How is Em today?
How far away from me are you? I live close to Dulles Airport. They are predicting 5 to 8 inches depending on where you live in the metro area.
The washer is coming in the door as I type.
That cold has been going around our family for some months. Hard to get rid of the cough. I guess it is better than catching the flu. Hope you do not catch it and hope Em gets better.
Poor Em...I hope she gets better soon and that you don't catch anything.
Aren't those wipes awesome? :)
I hope Emily is doing better! I finally finished my book and I'm trying to catch up with my blog buds! Thanks for the heads up about Brad's b'day. I stopped by (a little late) and wished him a happy day! He's much younger looking than he is!!
Hope you're doing well.
Yes, there really is something nasty going around today. It's hit more coworkers this year then I ever recall. I felt like crap all last week but made it through the week.
You're such a good mom Cheryl! I'm sure Em will be very thankful to come home to the nice clean room you've prepared for her!
Take Care,
I hope Emily is feeling better today and I hope that you don't get her cold. It seems like a lot of people have been really sick lately.
I hope Emily is on her feet and bck to normal this week. Whatever is going around is really bad this year. All of mine have had it at the same time, and they haven't been hanging out together....
Hope your week is great, are you snowed in this morning?
Happy Monday. Hugs, Cheryl. :)
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