These pictures were taken one week apart. I pruned the main stems of the plants, after the 5th branches, a few days ago. They're growing like weeds. The water basin is filled with roots. I'll post a new picture once a week. It's still entertaining.

Moan, groan, time to put on the bathing suit...
I was moaning and groaning about getting up and around this morning too. Maybe we both have a case of the Mondays? ;-)
If your not doing anything later come on by.
I love watching your little garden grow.
And dang you woman. I really did not want to go to the gym today but I know I need to and should.
Why oh why do you have to be the voice of reason and inside my head today? ;)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tomatoes.
I'd like a tomato-basil sandwich, please!
Blah Monday seems to be the universal today. I know I'm having one and all I did so far today was shower and come to work!
Your tomatoes are growing much faster and better looking (healthier) than ours did. The Aerogarden is perfect for me. I need the little light thingy to telling me when to water and add fertilzer. If it weren't for that they'd be dead! - We're growing spices right now.
They are looking beautiful! What a funny little box they grow in. I'm glad you saw your doc even though the knee was feeling better. Now you can rest easy! Well, after all the exercises that is:)
Your pictures are really making me wish spring was here. I can't wait to get my outdoor garden going. In a few weeks, I'll be able to start the seeds in the house and I'm giddy just thinking about it!
You are getting me psyched about my decision to get back into veggie growing this year.
Did you swim?
My goodness, they grow quickly don't they?
Before long you'll have giant tomato plants! Healthy, insect free, and squirrel proof. The best of all gardening.
I love your little garden.
Come on girl. Off to the pool you go.
I will not like going to the gym in 30 something degree weather tomorrow. But I will go.
Have an awesome weekend.
That's pretty impressive growth in a week. Tempting here in Shade-Ville!
Need to buy some of those tomato plants...would rather have those than the yard kind. My husband loves to ugly up our yard with tomato plants in the spring. It is always a give and take decision. I know we will have the tomato plants but he tries to cut back on how many he puts back there.
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