Home alone on Valentine's Day. No big deal at all. I did mean to buy myself some chocolate, but forgot. That's OK. I'm not really in the mood. I've done a bunch of cooking. I'm settled in with a glass of wine. Feeling tired despite the number of lattes I had today. I'm not telling how many, but I skipped dinner because of the calories I drank.
One thing I like about living alone is the lack of TV noise. I never turn on the TV unless I'm actually watching a show. Otherwise my house is quiet. I think I'd enjoy music, but I forget about it.
I'll be heading out to see my parents in the morning. I'll go out to eat with my mom. That's all the plans I have so far.
And that's life in my corner of the world on a Saturday night.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
17 hours ago
I got you a late valentine's present today. And I'm not telling what it is... :) :) :)
Watch your mail next week.
Love & valentine's day hugs -
HAppy belated Valentine's Day. I admire people who enjoy silence. I believe you have to be contented with one self to enjoy silence.
Happy Valentines day to you. I was at home alone also. I ordered Thai food, my son went and got it before he went out. Then I did a grocery store run. What a great time to go shopping. Valentines day at 9 p.m.
The produce was excellent for a change.
I watched missed episodes of brothers and sisters on line. Peaceful.
Today I am off to the gym, pick up my friend at the airport then I'm not sure. It depends on the weather.
Have an awesome day.
If I didn't have some quiet time I would become a nervous wreck before long. The noise of Harry's TV would cause problems if my house wasn't large enough for me to have a quiet refuge to chill.
My day will be filled with young folks - this is a noise that I savor. Enjoy spending time with your mother.
I almost always have to have a TV on. Or some music. If it's quiet in my apartment I'll hear the mumbling of my neighbors talking or their TV or whatever. That's too distracting.
I spent last night curled up on the couch watching the movie "Chocolat" and drinking orange juice. I didn't even splurge on a glass of wine, which now that I think about it, is kind of silly. The indulgence would have been nice! I'm with you on the quiet house. After my kiddo goes to bed, I love having everything turned off and just reveling in the silence.
We spent Valentine's day flying back to PS from Florida. I sure was glad to get home again. We almost stayed in but at the last minute decided to do a late dinner. Hope you have a good week Cheryl
Happy belated Valentine's Day.
We had a quiet night at home, too. I made quesidillas for dinner; we ate early and I went to bed at nine. Went up to see my mom today. She looks great.
I fed my little one Tylenol with Codeine and wore the mary jane target slippers that Brian gave to me.
He got a coupon from me.
Things are good here...considering the recovery is a "you never know what to expect." But am very surprised at how well he's doing.
Plus both nights he slept--ALL.NIGHT.LONG!
call me and surprise me :)
Happy Valentines Day..It's just another day to spend money. I'd rather have an arrow shot in my fannie.
mae candy.
I'm with you on the teevee noise thing. I don't turn mine on unless I'm going to sit down and watch it. Ahhhh... peace and quite... how I heart thee. :)
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