I'm in the lobby of the Honda dealership, waiting for an oil change. They had a coupon which made it the best price in town. I always like to have the car in tip-top shape before making a long trip. So, I spent the morning rushing around like a mad woman. One of the things I had to get together were pictures of me from each of the decades I've been alive for something for work. I'm going to scan them before bringing them in. Maybe I'll post them here? I had bills to work on, driving Em to school, lunches to make, etc. That's why I sometimes say I can't wait to go to work so I can relax. And we hairdressers know what I mean. We only have one thing to do: hair. So, after this it's Sam's Club, the bank, then work till 7 tonight.
Yesterday was a hard day off. I brought my mom to the doctor's at Kaiser. I think it's a great place because the staff is really kind and they do everything there in one location. My mom just hasn't been feeling well. No stamina, hot flashes, nausea, lack of appetite. Not every day, but definitely something to be checked out. We were there for over 4 hours. At one point, I went to my car cause I left my phone there. When I walked outside and saw what a sunny day it was, my first thought was: I don't want to be here. Not fair. I want to be at the pool. My next thought was that I was exactly where I should be. My mom needed me and it would have been too much for my father to do. Then I relaxed. I'm no saint, but my time will come and I hope I have someone to help me. We left with no answers, but the doctor didn't seem worried. We'll wait for the labs that didn't get completed. It could be her thyroid, a UTI, etc.. She has a stress test scheduled. She left this morning with my dad for Atlantic City for 3 nights. I don't think that was a good idea, but... And, my mother is going on vacation with me on the 19th. I'm worried about how that will go with how she feels. But, we'll see and take it from there.
I spent the rest of yesterday feeling drained. I got nothing done at home. Messed with iTunes and messed it up. How do you get the songs in your library checked so you can sync your iPod? I don't know how I unchecked them, but if I sync, I'll erase my songs from my iPhone. Talking about iPhones, the new one comes out of the 17th. Mine is 8 months old and now I'm going to have an old one. I want the new features! In the scheme of things, should I complain? No way. Not at all. Do you hear yourself Cheryl? Forget the new one. I'll get the new operating system with a lot of upgrades.
The day started with storms here. Nicer weather is on the way. Hope it's a good day your way.
PS...Stop by Kathy's Peace to say Happy Birthday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
16 hours ago
It was nice to read that you "saw the light" and you were exactly where you should have been. It's rare when we can see that.
You're parents are lucky to have you and I'm sure they are grateful. I understand exactly how you felt yesterday, it's tough when we have to take care of them and watch them go from the caregivers to the receivers. But it is something we have to do. All we can hope for is that our kids will learn from our example and when we are old and need help they will be there for us no matter how hard or inconvenient it is. Have a good day Cheryl. :)
My thoughts are with your Mom hoping she gets to feeling better........it's tough when we become the caregivers, the nurturers. My Mom had a terrible rectal cancer last year at this time, we weren't sure we'd get to keep her. Afer 11.5 hours of surgery with 5 surgical teams, she is OK. Back doing her quilting and cooking like she had never been sick. It is so weird that she is doing so good. Moms are our sustanance.
Thinking of you and your mom and hoping for the best possible outcome.
Hope everything is fine with your mom.
What a good daughter you are!! Your mom is lucky!
Yes post the pictures here. Are you kidding!!
Hey, I found a GREAT spot for some free Blogskins: http://www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com/
Call me if you need a walk through....
Thinking of your mom. Peace!
Your a good daughter. It's hard watching are folks grow older. My mom tells me the hardest part is realizing your next in the whole chain of life. (her Mom's getting quite old) I've got a spot on the front porch for your rocker when the time comes. We'll drink Smirnoffs Ice and toast the sunsets.
You should be able to manually sync your iPod so it doesn't erase anything. I could show you how I do mine sometime (like Sunday morning over coffee *grin*).
Any word from your folks? Everything okay in AC? Hope everything works out. Where are you headed on the 19th?
Monday was difficult, but you're right: you were where you needed to be. You're a good daughter. And you're right -- someday in the far, far, future we'll need help, too. (Can you picture Emily, doing this with you?? :) ) Oh Lord!
WOOT WOOT! A follow box!;~) Hope your mom get's to feeling better soon. I lost my Dad back in 2000 and and my Step-Mother back in 2001 just up and stopped talking to me.....idk why? We where great friends.....I guess I was just to much of a reminder of what she had with my father...or he left me something she didn't want me to have....but either way, it doesn't matter. Like I say, that was then and life is now! lol I haven't spoken to my biological mother since August of '95 but I choose that. Sometimes family can be the most hurtful people.....but anyhoo it's good that you still have them around....and it's good that you are around for them. It's how the world should be. :~) Check out todays post again when you get a chance. I was gonna append the post, but just left it in the comments box. TTYL!
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