It's so nice to have a porch. It's pouring all around me, but I'm covered.
What a day. We all have them. Not bad, but hard. But good. Just...I dunno. It revolved around the letter I had to write to the school Emily will be attending. That we're hoping she has the opportunity to attend. By the way, Emily was accepted to attend the private school! That was step one in a two-part process. Emily won't attend the school unless she receives financial aid. Lots and lots of financial aid. The dean of admissions gave us the hope that this was achievable, and it's why we went through the admission process. She encouraged us to write a letter to the dean of finances explaining our story and our finances. I felt like it was a college assignment. I wrote, then edited, edited, edited. Stayed up way late. Woke up and worked some more. Sent it to one friend for editing. Sent it to one of my sisters. Sent it to Bon. Judy made the letter more succinct. Bon combined the best parts of the letters and added her own flair. They both put a lot of time into it. Both presented slightly different versions of my essay with improved phrases. It kind of made me more confused. I was glad to leave for the orthopedist. I really like him as a doctor. He has a great manner, and I'd date him. If he asked, which he didn't. Anyway, all of my symptoms are consistent with something to do with my hamstring. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to what he said. I'm supposed to ice it, but I don't remember how often. I'll call the office tomorrow and ask if he can send me a letter. He ordered 8 weeks of physical therapy. I talked to him about my shoulder, and he added that to the PT orders. Now I need time to do it. I'll start after vacation. I'm just relieved that it's only a hamstring. Whatever that is. I've heard such bad health news lately that I was expecting to hear it about myself.
I was supposed to meet Kit and some other out-of-town friends for dinner last night but their plane was delayed and we canceled. I was supposed to go to lunch today with another friend but she wasn't feeling well. I called Kit and it turned out she and the friends were visiting her dad and would be available for lunch. One of my doctors is right by there so I called the office and told them I had a non-medical question. I asked if they could recommend a restaurant. Good idea, huh? We went to a fantastic place that I'd definitely go to again. We had to wait a while for a table for 7, and it took a while for the food to come. I was stressed because I had to be home in time to taxi Emily to work, but at the last minute I found her a ride. Thanks Sarah! I was able to relax with my perfect chicken cheesesteak sub. And the company, of course. Turned out that Emily didn't have to work after all because of inclement weather.
I should have gone clothes shopping after that, but I went to a new Starbucks instead. It was freezing in there. I hunkered down with the three versions of my letter, and started copying and pasting. When it was done, I saw that Kathy was online and I IM'd her, asking if she'd read the letter and tell me it was good. She wrote asking if I wanted her to edit it. I said no. Ha ha. So, I sent her the letter and she told me to call. With her help, the letter was polished to a shine, and I learned a few things about grammar that I'd never heard of before. It was with much relief that I pushed the send button. Emily's father wrote his own letter, which was very well-written. Now we wait, again.
I came home and started cooking dinner. Chicken Parmesan. I've been pretty lax in the cooking department lately. Turns out Emily ate Chef Boyardee right before I came home. I wasn't hungry because of my big and late lunch. So I went through all that 'bother' and no one ate. I packaged it up in portions and to the freezer it will go.
Emily is at Yoga with our friend Sarah. I'm pretty sure she's never done it before. I've had some time to relax. Feeling good again.
Sorry for the ramble. The un-edited ramble. Is it better to write something than nothing? Food for thought, except I'm full. I just had ice cream for my dinner. Don't tell.
P.S. Thanks Ed for fixing my iTunes! I don't know how I unchecked all the boxes, but I know how to recheck them now.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
16 hours ago
I'm glad Emily was accepted, and I hope she'll get the financial aid. I also hope your PT gets everything ship-shape again.
And I didn't mind your ramble. It's good to keep up with what's going on.
You should ask that Doctor out:P You never know right? Since your in the cooking mood, I'll take a bushel of Maryland's finest Atlantic Blue Crabs...oh and a dozen crab cakes too:P Here's wishing you luck with the financial aid.....LUCK!
I'm out of breath and tired after reading your blog!!!
Thanks for the shout out -- where did you get the chicken cheesesteak?
congratulations EM AND CHERYL!! I LOVED YOUR COMMENT BTW FoR JIMMY!! YOU ARE SOO SWEET!! I've been stuck in bed today--colitis I look forward to catching up with you soon!! :)
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