I've said it before. I want more hours in the day. I'd like the extra ones to be in the daytime.
It's the last day of work before vacation. A jam-packed 11-7 day. As I write this, it's pouring down rain. This has been our wettest and coolest spring ever. I checked the 10-day beach forecast last night with trepidation. So glad to see that it's going to be in the 90's and 80's with barely any chance of rain. Whew. These days leading up to vacation have been filled with the usual drama. Last year Emily was not going to come and that changed the day before we were to leave. Last night Emily's friend was uninvited. And my sister's son decided he wanted to come. I hope there's no other changes between now and tomorrow morning when we leave. Please, no more drama.
So I'll bring my laptop, of course. It wouldn't be a vacation without it, though many people would find that strange. There will be 3 others wanting to get on it at every opportunity. Should be interesting.
Things are moving along with Emily and the school. She picked up the welcome packet. I'm copying the first paragraph of a letter from the Dean of Students:
"Dear Parents and Students,
My job as Dean of Students here at the Upper School is a bit unique. Sure, a big part of my job is to help get students back on their feet when they've tripped up, but in truth, we all do that at the Creek. What makes my job so special is the daily interaction I get to have with the kids themselves. My office on the second floor is right in the middle of daily student dealings - just next to the Loft and at a busily traveled intersection between every class. It's a safe place for students to go when they need to get a point across to an adult, or when things aren't going their way, or even when they just need a quiet place to gather themselves. I love my job."
Can I just say how awesome I think this is? The reason for changing schools was to be in an environment where teachers care. Sounds pretty caring to me. Emily picked up one of her required summer reading books. It's an amazing hard-bound graphic novel, The Arrival, by Shaun Tan. It's unlike any graphic novel I've ever seen. Did I mention it's wordless? The artistry is amazing.
Time to shower and get busy. Happy Thursday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
16 hours ago
Safe travels..have fun..relax. I know you're releived to have the school thing settled before your trip.
Enjoy the sun and water!
Have a great time on your vacation. I hope you have a wonderful time and great weather. I'll be thinking about you.
I'll give you your birthday present when you get back! :-)
Drama....it's over rated. lol Do you know how to embed links so that the website you listed changes so people can just click right on it and goto the website? If not, let me know. I'd be happy to show you. It takes only a couple of mins to learn it:D Have a great vacation!
Have a wonderful time!!!
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