The only kind of fast food I eat is Chick-fil-a. I'm not crazy about it, but it hits the spot when I'm really hungry. I usually don't eat dinner when I work late. I don't like to eat late. I bring a lot of food to work with me and on those nights I'll eat whatever I have left. Pretzels, cantaloupe, yogurt...stuff like that. I'll have ice cream at home if I have it. Tonight I wanted McDonald's. I drove out of my way to get there. I had a Big and Juicy burger, and I don't regret it. McDonald's hit the spot. So did the ice cream I just had.
Anybody doing anything special for the Labor Day weekend? Not me. Not that I know of. I'm hoping something magically turns up. It's just a regular weekend for me. Work on Saturday. Off on Sunday and Monday. I'll probably go to the pool party at my old community pool. It's a tradition and I know a lot of people there. It's the say good-bye to summer party.
Hopefully I'll be back soon with a more meaningful post. Some days you have it, some days you don't.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
2 hours ago
Nothing big happening here -- I hope! It'll be nice to have a quiet weekend. Every time we get to the quiet part, though, something happens with one of the kids or parents!!
I have no plans but to do errands and catch up on house stuff. Visit the folks on Sunday. we went out tonight with friend to the winery and that was fun.
I love the waffle fries at Chick-fil-a!!
Thanks for the great haircut. I love it!!!
I don't eat meat - I mean like beef or pork and haven't for years, but a few months ago, I just had to have a Mickey D's quarter pounder (minus the cheese because I just don't like cheese). I felt guilty but was it ever good! Since then, I have probably had three. Bad, bad girl!
No plans here, unless you count packing up my entire apartment. Not fun but I sure am excited to get this show on the road!
Happy Saturday!
We're celebrating my birthday at our daughter's house on Sunday. My birthday was actually Aug 22, but our older grandson's birthday is Aug 26, and when you're seven, birthdays are BIG. So he got a party. Granny doesn't care whether her birthdays are celebrated or not.
Hi Cheryl! Happy weekend to you. I am enjoying the hurricane with my family. Supposed to rain in Phoenix all weekend! A real treat for us.
I am relaxing in the house, around the house, all weekend long. which is good because we just found out that our puppy (well, 52 lbs of puppy) most likely has hip dysplasia so we're glad we don't have any plans because we need her resting. I bet whatever you uncover on this weekend will be magical!
xxxo always your friend,
Heading to my parents' house for the rest of the holiday weekend. Rest and relaxation.
Never had Chick-FilA or whatever it is. Another reason to come to the East coast. :)
No plans for Labor Day. Hubby has his first weekend off in almost 2 months and now he's going around the house like a chicken with his stupid head hanging off trying to get house stuff done. Urgh!!
We just had a quiet weekend. I did some drawing. Walked with Michael and Smokey a couple of times.
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