I'm up and feeling a little groggy this morning but I hear the last gurgling noises coming from my coffee pot. It's saying, come here Cheryl, time to rev you up. Wouldn't that be novel...to have your appliances talk to you? I sure do wish I could drink regular coffee every day like most people. I just can't handle the caffeine with my kind of job. That's why drinking it on my days off is such a little pleasure for me. OK...big pleasure.
I'll be heading out to my parent's house later this morning. My mom really wants to go to Kohl's. I don't, not at all, but I'll do it for her, and try not to do it grudgingly. Who knows, I might find lots of stuff I love. Having her scooter will make it better for both of us. She can be independent. Afterward we'll head out towards Annapolis and I'll drive her by Emily's campus. She'll like seeing the school. Then I think I'll drive her through Sherwood Forest. Again, she's only heard me talk about it. She doesn't know it yet, but I'll take her to Old Country Buffet for lunch. We haven't been there in ages, and she'll be happy, happy, happy. I'll try not to act like it's my last meal and just eat a normal-size portion. Finally, I'll go to Sears because my new glasses are ready! I hope I love them. What if I don't?? Last stop will be to bring my mom home. I hope.
Emily is on a class trip with her 42 fellow Juniors. They left on a big chartered bus early yesterday morning. They went to James Madison University for a tour, info session and lunch. Emily texted me and said that's where she's going to college. Next they went to Bridgewater University. She said she hated that. They checked into their hotel at 6, had dinner and spent the night hanging out. It was supposed to be lights out at 11. That didn't happen. I bet they're tired after a 6:30 wake-up call. This morning they'll visit Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. From there they'll go to the University of VA. I can't wait till I get her impression of that amazing school. They'll have dinner out and get back to the hotel at 8 PM. Tomorrow they'll get to the University of Richmond in the late morning. They'll arrive back at their school late in the afternoon. How cool is that? Here's what the Director of Student Activities writes in the parent's information newsletter: "Welcome to an important part of your student's school experience! The beginning of each school year brings with it class trips. This is an opportunity to work and play cooperatively with fellow students and staff members. The key themes of each trip are respect, responsibility, and risk. Respect and responsibility for self, peers, others, and the environment are the hallmarks of these class trips. Combining these two themes with an element of safe and healthy intellectual and physical risk, students are expected to challenge themselves to try something new and different with the support of their classmates in an effort to create a better, stronger community at ICS" I love this school. The cost of the trip is included in the tuition. The Freshman class is camping. The Sophomore class is in NYC. The Senior class doesn't have a formal trip, although one is offered if the kids want to go.
I made plans to meet Karen at Panera's after work. She found a knitting group that meets there every Wednesday night from 7-9, although some get there as early as 3. I was really impressed by the whole concept. I'm estimating there were at least 50 friendly women and 1 man knitting, talking, laughing, eating, etc. Everyone was so happy. It was a community. I wanted to walk around and see what everyone was knitting. It made me want to pick up some knitting needles!
I better go or I'll never leave the house. Happy Thursday!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
You are such a good and kind daughter!!
It was nice seeing you at the knitting group too.
I'm already looking forward to going again next week.
You really should think about taking up knitting. :-)
You ARE a good and kind daughter!! So the gorilla looked like a bird feeder?? Ever taken a Rorschach test?
It's wonderful to have juniors visiting colleges this early in their junior year. It fives them opportunities to set goals and see the prize!
Sounds like a fun day for sure.
How lucky for Em! What a wonderful trip.
Hope you and Mom had a great day!
My Cuisinart coffee maker talks to me. Too bad I don't understand French. My sister's knitting group held a weekend retreat at her house by the lake. I don't "get" needlework. What makes some people relax and "purl" with pleasure has me tied in knots. Yay for Emily.
That's so cool that her school does this for the students. Makes it easier I imagine on the parents. That's awesome! how was your outing with Mom? I have a feeling you discovered something fun at Kohls (christmas ornament maybe?) lol.
Have a good weekend!! and Hope you and Karen had a nice time out!
Since I am reading this post late, I already know that your glasses are wrong, how on earth does THAT happen? And I think Em's school is completely awesome...how cool is that?
Happy Sunday good friend!
howdy cheryl...
you are behind in posting my dear friend... did your mother wear you that much out?? :))
your kid sounds like she is doin really good -- that makes me happy. could it be that there really is that magic age for these girls??
and i gotta ask-- doesn't it just make your heart swell, when she texts YOU --- and not the boyfriend-- or dad-- or any other body-- but YOU!!
it sure does me. it's new, and it's different. i have a whole new kid here -- we 'communicate'. we joke around. it's a little scary i think. but i like it.
i hope you had fun with your mama... and i hope you're lovin every minute with your girl.
hard to believe they'll be gone soon huh?
i already fear the empty nest syndrome. do you?
big hugs cheryl-
It sounds like you had a good day planned. I hope it all went well.
I have a hard time getting started without my home-brewed cappuccino in the morning.
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