It was an out-of-sync kind of day. I drove the kids (Em and Kendall) to school, waited a few minutes, then signed in at the front desk to attend the PTO (parent teacher organization) meeting. When I looked at the sign-in sheet and saw no other signatures, I asked if I had the right day. That's when I found out the meeting was at the lower school campus, about 4 miles away. I got there a little late. A lot of parents were in attendance, but not a lot was said or done. It was mostly lower and middle school stuff. I did meet a few parents from the upper school, which was great. I had previously filled out a PTO interest form and was told that I would be contacted. It was all over by 10:00 and I was left wondering how I'd fill my time till Em's 4:00 game. I went to Sam's Club to return the camera. I realized I had a memory card full of pics and that it was a perfect opportunity to order prints. It takes a lot of time to do all the editing, etc, but I did it and almost had the order finished when the tech came over and announced the processing machines were down and that it would take longer than an hour. I knew I'd be in the area, so it was OK. I walked all the isles. I decided to have an eye exam. I checked out glasses afterward but couldn't find ones I liked better than the ones I have. Everyone in that department agreed and I decided to look elsewhere some other time. I checked to see if my pictures were ready; they weren't. I returned Karen's call (Happyone) about getting together but we decided on a raincheck. I had a hotdog. I paid for my items. I checked on the pics again. They were almost ready but the 5X7's wouldn't be ready today. I gave up and left. Then I went to the mall, which is across the street from Sam's. I met up with my 'friends' from Land's End at Sears and tried to figure out the right size for Emily's long-sleeve polos. After many calls to Land's End, we gave up for now and I found a few tops for myself. About that time I noticed that the tiny orange dot on the iPhone that shows it's on silence when switched to the left also showed orange when it was switched to the right. I went to the AT&T store and was told I had to go to the Apple store. I went there and the tech agreed it needed looking at and that there was an opening at the 'Genius Bar' in 40 minutes. Well, I couldn't do that. Emily's game was starting at 4 and I didn't want to be late. I drove to the school and was dismayed when I saw no parents' cars lined up for the game and no field hockey team on the field. No game. I looked at my calendar to find that it was an away game. At least an hour away. Wah. I went online and found another opening at the Genius Bar and made an appointment. I had my laptop in the car so I was able to back-up my iPhone. I went to Apple to find that I needed a new phone. How cool is that? Very. New phone in hand, I went to Panera's for dinner. Then to the school to pick up Emily who just got back from the game. That was my crazy out-of-sync day.
We went to the grocery store when we got home. I saw my new favorite ice cream on sale. Last time I made my pint last for at least 5 servings. I told Emily I wouldn't share.
Outside and sunshine
No snow this morning and 23 degrees.
Would have been a good day for walking in town but now the problem is
that in town there are no good places to walk.
No ...
23 hours ago
LOVE the picture. How funny! I was wondering - you mentioned the coach wouldn't let them play on their beautiful field if it was wet and then I saw Em posted on facebook she was on the bus - I was thinking, "huh?" Sorry you had such a crazy day. But you always stay postive. I love that about you.
Your slow days make my head swim - I don't know how you do all of that! Ditto what Sarah said above. Wish you'd been here tonight.
Well holy crap Cheryl, that sounds like alot of my days..but you take it all in stride.
It's almost the weekend. YEA---want to help me move all this crap?
Happy Friday..
Hugs. :)
You are so good with going with the flow! I didn't even know Starbucks made ice cream! What I learn on these blogs!
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