18 January 2010

Links galore

It's Monday night, meaning that my weekend is coming to an end. Seems like it's been a while since I posted. Let me catch you up. I wrote that I met my nephew at Caribou Coffee on Thursday. He's one busy and creative guy. Ryan has a few awesome websites and I'm going to promote two of them right here. Check out his wedding blog. It's a great site with every resource for brides-to-be. I'm impressed by it, and a bride-to-be is not me. Here's his pop culture blog. I like to think I'm a little hip and into stuff like this. And I am. Into stuff like this. Being a little hip is up for debate.

My weekends have really changed since I've been in a relationship with Rob. Now I'm happy with somebody else instead of being happy alone. It's amazing how easy the transition was. We're just taking it one day at a time, and that's working great. We never know what tomorrow holds so we have to live in today. And that's as deep as I'm getting.

We went to International Guitar Night at The Gordon Center on Saturday night. I was mesmerized. I've known about this event for years and now that I finally made the effort and went, I'm sorry for all the years I missed out. My favorite performer was Lulo Reinhardt. His long dark hair and tall, dark and handsome physique made him a striking character. His playing of Latin and Gypsy jazz was spellbinding. Rob teased me, saying I had a crush on him. I swore I didn't. The evening consisted of four guitarists playing solos, duets, and so on (meaning I don't know what you call it when 3 or 4 play together). It was a great night.

Sunday was a rainy, stay-at-home day. We finally ventured out to the grocery store in the late afternoon. I planned to make a meatloaf; it was a day for comfort food. We were so hungry that we ordered pizza from the store and picked it up on the way home. We had that and Starbucks Caramel Macchiato ice cream for dessert. So much for the Lean Cuisines.

Rob's car broke down today and it's in a shop by my house. We did some things while we were waiting for it to be repaired. We drove through Annapolis so he could see the downtown. We went to Annapolis Mall so I could return the last of the things that needed returning. Half of Maryland was there--I forgot it was a holiday. Rob got to see the Sony 3D TV. So cool. His car was supposed to be ready in the afternoon, but they had the wrong part delivered and it won't be ready till tomorrow. I drove Rob home to Havre de Grace, MD and then to his job. It was my first time seeing where he lives. It's about 50 minutes from here. It was an easy ride and didn't seem as far away as I've been picturing it. You can see the Bay from his neighborhood. I can't wait to go back and see the town itself.

How'd it get to be 9:30? I thought I'd have an hour to read in bed. If I go now, I'll have a half hour. So, that's it. The End.


HappyK said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend. Sorry about Rob's car.
Debbi lived in Havre de Grace about 17 years ago.

KathyA said...

I like that area of Maryland a lot. Northeast is a nice community (little shops, nice restaurants), too. Nice to explore...

Forsythia said...

Yeah! Pizza and Caraamel Macchiato ice cream for dessert. Sounds like my kind of meal.

Leann said...

It's really nice to hear that you are so comfortable with Rob. I think that makes for a very nice relationship and most likely one that will be long term. I wish you all the best :-)

I've never been to Myrtle Beach. I'll have to do some research. Thanks for the idea :-)


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