I'm so tired because....it was my day off and you know how I am. Right? I started with a trip to Panera's and met Bonnie there. That was great! I'll spare you the details of my whole day, but I did a lot of mulching. I think I only have 3 or 4 more bags to put down in my biggest garden. Two years ago a neighbor bought way too many bags of Scott's Nature Scape black mulch. Last year she decided to go with shredded pine mulch and offered to give me the Scott's. I carried 23 bags of it and stacked it under my deck. It's so nice not to have to buy any this year. I started buying annuals and perennials today. I have a lot more buying to do, but I won't start planting for at least another week. I like to wait till the frost date passes. Oh, here's a picture of my garden cart. I've been carting two 40 lb. bags at a time with it.

I'm going to cut this short and go up to bed. That means I'll be getting behind on your blogs. I'll make sure to catch up this weekend. Till then...
You make me feel like such a sloth! I won't plant until after Mother's Day, but I do have some mulching I could be doing....
Busy Bee! You make me feel like a sloth, too! I did get my front lawn cut. My father was overjoyed and said it looked great. Sleep tight tonight and I hope to catch a post from you tomorrow. Good night!
23 bags of mulch? I would die for that.
You must be exhausted though - that is some hard work carting all that around.
Take care of you -
You have got to be one tired girl. Holy cow. That is a lot of work. Go get a massage, would you?!
Beautiful garden, though, really.
Ya. Kyrie here. I changed my name in the blog just now. So u may get confused. lol!
22 bags!
hubby was gonna get scotts for here-- did he? nooo.. tried something new. what happened? five days later-- we got a weedy yard ticket from the city !!! it wasn't THAT bad.. Jeeminy.
anyhow-- hard work for sure-- place looks awesome though!
happy weekend
You have been busy and your yard looks really nice. I like the garden carts so much better than wheelbarrows. Somtimes I put too much in the wheelbarrow and when I try to wheel it, it tips over.
Wow, I remember that post...has it really been a year already!!!!
Now that I am in need of much mulch myself and understand it's true value I echo fiwa's comment!
I will have pics for you when I can.
You are so good, so careful about keeping everything as it should be, I just know your garden will be wonderful. I admire you so much Cheryl, where on earth do you get the energy?
Have a great weekend, it IS here you know, :).
Garden looks so beautiful already. You do have so much energy.
What a wonderful gift--23 bags of mulch! Congratulations.
Very pretty work you have accomplished.
I do miss working in the yard...
I hope you were able to get some really good rest. You deserve it after a day like that!
your gardenbed is so lovely, cheryl.
there isn't anything lovelier than fresh mulch, is there?
you grow girl.
23 bags of mulch? that's awesome! I like the black mulch, or pine, the red mulch has always reminded me of Mcdonalds for some reason. :) Your yard looks beautiful! Want to come to chicago and help me with mine?
You have the BEST garden. I love the wagon. And yes, add me to the sloth list. I'm working up to a high level of "thinking about" gardening.
Girl, you gotta be tired. Hope you are resting today. I've been on call and active duty so haven't accomplished very much at home. Maybe this week. Fingers crossed.
your yard looks beautiful!
Love your garden cart! And your garden is lovely!
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