Guess who's doing a happy dance? I'm SO glad I bought a replacement warranty for my Cannon SD750 camera last year. It's starting to sporadically malfunction and they're sending me a $300 Office Depot gift card. Woo hoo! I know a lot of people don't believe in warranties, but I've had to use a warranty more than once, and to me, if they're not expensive, they're worth it. My camera warranty cost $40. Much less than having to buy a brand new camera, and I can buy any camera I want with the gift card.
I've had a lazy morning. What's up with that? No walking. No swimming. It's not too late though, even after 10:00. I'm getting on my walking clothes right now! There's a lot to be said for getting out of bed and busy. Lazy sets in if I sit.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
That worked out pretty good. You get a new camera and maybe if want to get your old one fixed at some point you'll have a backup camera. Cool!
I've never done the warranty things - maybe I should think again. That is IF I have any big purchases - which with Christmas coming may be a while.
$40 for $300? That's a great deal - good for you!
The first time I was sorry I didn't get a warranty was when my 2-year-old, Energy Star, beautiful, stainless steel dishwasher started leaking for no good reason. I was totally kicking myself after the first service call. And again after the second service call...
Lazy days are ok too. Woot for a new camera!
Wow, I never thought of how much that sort of warranty can save you! Maybe I will have to start looking closer at those when I buy something new!!
You look great and the pictures look so beautiful!
Perhaps you could suggest to your salon that they should promote out in Chicago--I can be an injectee. :) LOL!! HAHAHA!
Glad that you seem relaxed!!
I'm glad your warranty worked out so well for you.
We never buy the warranties and so far have been lucky with everything we've bought. I'd better knock on wood after saying that!! :-)
Good Job! Let me know what kind of camera you end up with....I don't like mine at all. (its a HP)
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