New day. Yesterday was a doozey. I got over my malaise. Is that the right word? I shopped. And ran a zillion errands. Panera's, Sam's Club, Fairland Aquatic Center, Bally's Fitness Center, Sam's Club, again, Wal-mart, grocery store, then finally, a pedicure. I couldn't stand that blue color for one more minute. I was out from 8:30 till 6:45. Busy was good. My neighbor Kelly dropped while I was emptying the purchases from my car. I talked about what was going on, then segued right into a tale of the hummingbirds. She just laughed at how I could go from a tale of woe to excitement over my birds. I'll say, I'm lucky like that.
I planned to go to the pool this morning, but couldn't figure out how much time it would take, what the traffic would be like, was there room to hang my work clothes, etc. I decided to go on a day off, but at the same time I'd go on a work day to see how it worked. I walked this morning instead. Listened to the best of Creedence Clearwater Revival, Chronicle, Vol. 1. Growing up, my best friend's older brother listened to that music all the time, so we did too. It was a trip down memory lane.
Time for work. Happy day!
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
1 hour ago
Indeed, it will be a happy day!
Oh my gosh, I adore CCR. I have their greatest hits CD in my car. People think that's funny because I'm only 30 and say the music is "old" for me, but I'm just wild about it. I'm so glad you're out of your little funk. It sounds like it'll be a good day.
I'm glad you're back to being yourself again. Hope all goes well in your little corner of the world for a long while. Fall is really trying to arrive on the scene here....we have leaves that are changing already. Even though its a prelude to bitter winter, I do love Fall...with the crisp smell in the air, warm cozy clothes, houses that smell of baking and comfort foods and of course the beauty of what Mother Nature does outside. Great nights to curl up with a good book.
Hope Em is feeling better too.
I'm happy you managed to shake off those blues...some days, life is just plain hard, isn't it? I know you aren't one to cry in your soup...
Happy weekend cheryl. Hugs.
Wow, I get tired just reading about your day!! I'm glad you feel better and are back in the groove!
CCR... great stuff. I still love listening to it. Memories of bell bottoms and endless summers.... oh wait, no that was someone else's life. :)
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.
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