A little Saturday night post. First, here's the link to Fresh Fruit, a wonderful blog written by the daughter of my co-worker Joyce, who just lost her beloved husband. She posted a wonderful tribute to Paul, and the pictures of Paul and Joyce reflect the love they shared. Becca is a new-ish transplant to WA, and lives not far from some of you. Stop by and say hello.
Work was great. I went to Borders afterward, and stayed for about an hour. I came home and visited with Emily and her friends, and tried to think of what I wanted to do. *Warning: pool talk ahead* I checked the schedule of the aquatic center, but it's only open till 4 on weekends. I called the gym and the pool was open, so, I went. It was fabulous! I swam and swam and swam. I swam 50 laps, then just decided to go for the full hour, so I swam more. I'll eventually stop talking about swimming, but I'm just amazed that I'm doing this. I'm not an exerciser, or at least, I never was one before. I only started swimming because I found a pair of goggles in my pool bag this summer. I thought, hmmm, I should try swimming a few laps. I truly believe that I wouldn't be swimming today if those goggles weren't there. And, Happyone and Elizabeth motivated me to walk. I'm still doing that, and still not loving it, but I haven't stopped. Yesterday I saw a fox run across the street. I never would have seen that if I wasn't out on my walk. Happyone saw a fox on her walk too!
I went to Panera's after the pool. Had a wonderful panini sandwich. That might be redundant? I hung out, which you know I love to do. Simple pleasures.
Oh...the book I just finished? The Story of Edgar Sawtelle? It's Oprah's new bookclub selection. I'm really happy about that. I can delve deep with other readers on her website. I just read a great essay from the author, and she'll have interviews and a great message board. I loved that I read The Road right before she chose that book, for the same reasons.
I'm meeting Kit in the morning. We've gotten out of our Sunday habit of meeting for coffee, and although we saw each other just last weekend, we have a lot of catching up to do.
Over and out!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
8 hours ago
I'm so jealous, I wish I had a pool close to me. I'd be there all the time!
Don't worry about the swim talk. We love to hear about it. You are doing so well!
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