I'm sitting in a beautiful upholstered chair next to a floor-to-ceiling window with a tapestry rug underneath, amber lights overhead, and walls a deep umber. At a nearby Starbucks. There's no place like home, and there's no place like a beautiful place to blog while sipping a caramel latte.
Here's my plans for the day: Blog at Starbucks. Stop by Wal-mart for Tylenol, jelly beans and peanut butter, then on to my salon. I have an 11:15 massage appointment. Pure luxury with an awesome co-worker. I'll have my hair colored afterward. Perks of the business. Then I have a 2:00 appointment for my cosmetic filler procedure. I'm a little nervous about it, but not so nervous that I won't get it done. I just hope I don't bruise, but it won't really matter if I do. I can use make-up, and I won't mind telling my clients about it. I can handle anything temporary. I'll have some free time after leaving the salon, and then I'll be heading to Emily's game.
Talking about Emily's game, she's loving field hockey. I think I mentioned she scored one of two goals for the team on Monday. The one I missed the first half of. They won Tuesday's game 2-1 in double overtime against a 2nd ranked team. Today they play their big rivals. The girls are wearing their opponent's colors to school today: red, white and blue. I ran out yesterday and bought red soccer socks and red and blue ribbon. I guess the colors are to psyche themselves up? Last night we went to Michael's to buy black t-shirts and fabric paint that Emily and two of her teammates will use to make shirts for tomorrow's football game. I'm so glad Emily's doing sports. That she's athletic. That she's part of a team. I hope she chooses a winter sport since fall sports only go through October.
I went to the pool after work yesterday. I hope I don't sound like a broken record about swimming. It's just that I'm so happy about it. It's 11.7 miles from work and 16 minutes. And that was with my leaving work at 5:15. It was a very different place at night. Swim teams, lessons, non-seniors. I had to share a lap lane, first with one person, then with two. I'm used to having a lane to myself, and didn't really know how to share. I asked the person in my lane, and we agreed we'd each stay to one side of the lane. Then another swimmer got in. He said we swim in an 'oval'. OK. Except the pace of the three of us wasn't working out well, and the third guy was a water bully. The second guy got out and it worked again. So, I swam my mile. Then I went into the walking lane and walked 5 laps, taking long strides. It was harder than I imagined, but great. I timed my shower/dressing time, but it included drying my shirt that got wet when I put my swim cap on top of it by mistake. I want to go to the pool on work mornings, so I'm calculating how much time I need to account for. I need to find new goggles. I'll do that when I leave here. The goggles I have now are new, but they leave me with 'raccoon eyes', and I don't think I can adjust them anymore. Another note: a nice guy talked to me at the pool. He seemed interested...maybe he's single and I'll run into him again?
Am I all talked out? Hmmm. I see that some people are using the 'follow me' feature on blogger. I use Reader, and follow everyone that way. I signed up to follow one person, but it seems redundant. I'll wait to see how the trend evolves.
I think that's it for now. Happy Thursday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
I've read that athletics is really good for a girl's confidence, so I'm glad to read about Emily's sports.
I'm not a swimmer myself, but I enjoy reading about your workouts.
Have a great day.
That sounds like a really nice day you have lined up. Can I come along?
I've never heard of sharing lanes, but then I haven't been to a proper gym in quite sometime. It got me thinking maybe it was a good way to meet men but it sounds like you've got that covered too.
Thanks for the ?'s you left as comments for me yesterday - it got me to do some good thinking on the subject.
Tylenol, Jelly Beans and Peanut butter ? Just what are you up to ?
You don't mix those jelly beans with the peanut butter do you? ;-)
I had to share lanes once at our local pool. It was hard, but I guess if you get to the pool all ready to swim and all the lanes are full... there is no choice.
I found your last few posts to be so uplifting... even brought a tear to my eye. Sorry if that sounds weird. Something about your energy and focus that is so inspiring. I hope someday I can get back on track.
Sounds like a great day planned, nice guy at the pool sounds interesting...Have a awesome day.
I always wondered how the sharing lanes thing works. I'm glad swimming has brought such a light to your life. And hey, nice guys are always good too.
It's so good to see kids fired up about sports and such, really enjoying it and not being pushed into it like some parents do.
Enjoy your day!
Glad Em is part of a team. Maybe she'll find that winter sport. If she's involved with a team she'll have less time to concentrate on the negative.
Swimming is wonderful. I only wish I had a comfortable place to swim. I'm considering an endless pool but they are expensive. That'll have to wait until my current projects are complete. Anyway, it's great that you have a wonderful place to meet guys who also enjoy swimming - and swim, too.
I think the day sounds wonderful and I'm a little envious! Every time you write about swimming, I just wish there was a pool closer to my house.
bon jour! :)
What a good day. Don't you love it when things just work out? I wish for you and your Emily many more days like this one. And....ooh lala about the guy-thing.
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