122. That's how many posts are new in my Google Reader. Can we say Way Behind?
I was invited to my brother and sister-in-law's for Christmas. I guess it won't be movies and Chinese after all. I made a streusel-topped sweet potato casserole and a banana cream pie. I was glad to get the invitation and it should be a relaxing day. I wonder if anyone will want to play games? I should see what I have. Emily will get picked up by her dad at about noon tomorrow and spend the day and night with him. That's the tradition. She's been at his house since this afternoon and will be coming home soon.
I was able to get an appointment to see my doctor today after work! Amazing. She sent me for X-rays. Again, amazing on Christmas Eve day. When she gets the results we'll see if I need an MRI. I'm just glad that I got the process started. I'm supposed to ice it, take 800 mg of Motrin every 3 hours, elevate it and wear a brace. I finally sat down about an hour ago. So much for taking it easy. I had to cook and wrap all the presents. I just took the Motrin. Now I need to get up and get the ice. And take this brace off. Ow.
For those of you celebrating Christmas, I wish you a joyful, stress-free day spent with your loved ones.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Wow you are behind with reading blogs!!!
Sorry to hear about your knee - hope it gets better soon.
I got your email. Soon you'll be able to stop by and see the inside of the house! :-)
Enjoy the day at your brothers.
Have a very Merry Christmas Cheryl!
As one with knee problems I know what you are going through. Hope all the remedies help you.
Have a great day with your brother tomorrow.
I hope you knee feels better soon.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Girl, don't apologize for not getting by my blog ... not a whole lot happening over there. TG and I went up to NC last Friday to be with our granddaughter on her 4th birthday, and the poor baby was sick with a stomach virus (which we believe she might have gotten from her dad) and lo and behold, on Sunday I came down with it. Can you say U-G-L-Y? This is gross, but I had at least ten sessions of regurgitating between 6 p.m. and midnight on Sunday. I have not been sick in that way in nearly 30 years. My face was bruised all over from the violence of the nausea-et-cetera attacks. I am just now feeling better and luckily nine-tenths of my Christmas ducks were already lined up because TG came down with it too on Monday, albeit in a slightly different form, and he still does not feel well. We did do a bit of last-minute shopping together today though, and I think he'll be fine by tomorrow.
At any rate, sorry to natter on endlessly but I am so glad your doctor got you in for the tests, and I surely hope they find out what's wrong and get it fixed quickly so you're no longer in pain! Take it easy now, 'k?
Meantime, I wish you a blessed Christmas with many surprises unfolding, and I want to thank you for your encouragement as a fellow blogger! Best wishes for a successful and fulfilling 2009!
Keep me posted on your knee. I hope all 'things' are better today.
BTW, she said, 'yes.' So we're having another wedding!!
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