Not a real party. Just all the time off I've had. Five days for Thanksgiving and five for Christmas. Lots of time at home. No swimming or walking, first because of no time with all the entertaining I did, then the knee thing. So, I've been a slug. In fact, I just finished a bowl of ice cream. The last of it. Hope Em didn't want any!
I've been putting away the Christmas stuff one area at a time. The mantle is still set up, and I'm not tired of looking at it yet. I have the empty bin nearby, so the putting away will be easy. The Christmas tree is standing, but I hardly ever go in that room. It's all almost back to normal.
Guess what we had for dinner tonight? Yup. The Pioneer Woman's pot roast. Today Emily said I should make it every week. I think she'd get a little tired of it, but I'm glad she loves it. Me too. I need to break out the cookbooks and magazines, and expand my repertoire. At least add lasagna to it.
We ventured out to the mall today. I had returns at Bath and Body Works. We exchanged. Emily had returns at American Eagle, and picked up all new stuff. I glanced at all the sour-looking moms waiting for their kids to shop, and on-purpose pasted a smile on my face. I approved of all Emily chose, thank goodness. We went to Nordstrom's so they could take off the sensor they left on her messenger bag. We set off an alarm at every store we went to! I exchanged a gift from the Apple store and got a clear iPhone case. I was limping at the end, and came home to ice.
Tomorrow it's an 11-7 day. Back to busy. Wednesday will be 10-2, then off on Thursday. I plan to go to Bon's New Year's Eve get-together, then to my parent's on New Year's Day.
And now, I'm getting into bed with my book. And ice.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Wow, what a busy day you had! I'm tired just reading about it. I'm about to get to bed too with my book (Stephen King's new collection of short stories called "Just After Sunset". So far it's not too bad!)
Have a great week.
Your days when you're NOT at work are just as busy as the days when you DO work!
Busy day for you as usual. Glad your day with Emily went good.
We are going to Bonnie's party too. :-)
I know you start work early on Sat because I'm your first client at 8:00.
You are a good mom, chica. I sure wish your knee would straighten up and stop bothering you. I wonder what on earth set it off?
Hope it holds up for you today.
Hey, I love reading your blog and have been reading for many,many months. I am just getting started with my own blog and if you see me (from Ocean Springs) popping up on your live traffic feed, I am checking on how you layout with your gadgets,etc. thanks.
I'm glad the pot roast was a hit. With all the running around you did, the lack of exercise probably won't matter.
I hope the transition back to work isn't too difficult.
Andrew is also one of my favorite bloggers. He is great..You are my first commentor....A BIG THANK YOU
Andrew is also one of my favorite bloggers. He is great..You are my first commentor....A BIG THANK YOU
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