Probably too much information, but I was so busy yesterday I had to eat my yogurt in the bathroom while peeing because I was starving and had to go to the bathroom and didn't have time to do both separately. After work I drove 32 miles to my brother's house and had a wonderful time with the family. We stayed till my bedtime :( and I fell sound asleep as soon as I got into bed.
And here it is. Time to run/limp to Borders before work to buy my calendar. Last day for the 40% off coupon. Then it's 11-7 again and just as busy. Two 11-7 days in a row kill me.
My knee is just weird. I'm limping. Can't bend it much. Slightly swollen. Now it makes a clicking sound when I bend it in an area just above my kneecap. But it hurts behind my knee too. I'm hoping and thinking it will mysteriously go away. It was OK working yesterday because I was mostly behind my chair and didn't have to walk much.
And that's it from me. Still no time to read blogs, but I'll get there.
Happpy Day!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
I just printed my coupon! See you there?
I feel so bad for you having to work on that poor knee. I hope whatever it is does just go away after a little rest.
Enjoy your day!
Hope you have a good day at work with that knee! Maybe you should get it looked at?
Hoping the knee is better soon and you get some time for yourself.
Take care of yourself! I'm tired just reading your schedule!!! I've had trouble with my knee all's a weather-related thing!
I hope it's feeling better cause know you the way that I do, I bet you'll be doing a lot of cooking today and tomorrow.
I hope your knee gets better soon, it sounds alot like my knee problems, and the dr told me it was just getting worn out from all the walking I do, and have done over the years. It makes the worse squishing noise on the steps and hurts often but not all the time. Get yourself to the dr about it as soon as the holiday hoopla dies down.
I hope you have a most blessed Christmas Cheryl. I hope your quiet evening tonight is wonderful, but I gotta tell you, if you lived within distance, I would love to have you here.
Hugs honey.
Merry Christmas Dear! - sorry you've been working so hard. Hopefully that's over for now.
Hope you all have a great time!
Eating yogurt on the can -now that I'd like to see.
Merry Christmas Cheryl!!!
be good!
Hey there Chery- Just stopped by to wish you (and the family) a Merry Christmas.
I know it's quiet there tonight.. it is here too. The DH is still working for FedEx tonight.
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