I'm taking a break from my cards. The computer is like a magnet. I know it's there, and I can stay away for a while, but it's like the cookies. You just want more. The cookies are gone, and I've been working hard on making my cards. I went to the aquatic center, just in time too. I got there at 10:45 and there was a sign on the door saying it would be closed from noon-3 for some sort of repair. I was dressed and out of there at 12:05. The swim was easy. I did math the whole time. To amuse myself. I think I've written about it before. On lap one I count my strokes by 1's. Lap 2 by 2's. Lap 3... you get it. I count in groups of 5 laps, so on lap 6 I start over. I swim 36 laps. The water was a little cold today until lap 9. The goosebumps went away. I was refreshed and ready for the rest of the day when I walked to my car.
I put more lights up on my deck this morning. I also bought a 100 foot outdoor cord so I could run it from my deck to the lights in front of my house. The outlet there couldn't handle the wattage and blew the circuit every time the lights turned on. I was checking out my roof, and think I'll just run some lights along the front gutter that I can easily reach with an 8 foot ladder. I won't get on the roof and don't want to pay to have it done.
I got my oil changed at Jiffy Lube. I really need my 60,000 mile service, but I was long overdue for the oil and it couldn't wait. I had some hidden money in my car, and the technician found it and brought it to my attention. It could have easily been stolen. I thanked him for his honesty. He told me my repeat business is important to them and they pride themselves on their customer service. I think I'll make a call to the manager and let her/him know about this employee's honesty.
I'm listening to Christmas music. I just love it. I'm working on my cards. And I better get back to it. Magnet, let go!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
I know what you mean about the puter being a magnet, I so should turn mine off and its just there like that plate of cookies,I would love a card!
It's little things like that mechanic's honesty that can restore your faith in humanity and generally make it a good day. I hope you do make that call.
Do we get to see pics of your card making handy work?
You're putting up lots and lots of Christmas lights. Hope you're going to take pics or a video of all of it when you get done!
Wonderful -- two stories of honesty! Makes me feel good. Did you get my message about considering a spotlight on the door? I think it would look really nice.
Magnet indeed!
Sounds like a good day. Glad you are making progress on the cards and loving the faith in humanity being restored.
I too would like to see some pics of your lights if you have some...i love Christmas lights.
Make that call. It will make the manager, the employee and you feel good!
Another story of honesty! Nice to hear there are lots of good people out there in the world.
I haven't started my cards yet. Every day I say I'll do it tomorrow. :-)
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