I had a wonderful Christmas. A nice leisurely morning, first alone, then with Emily. Relaxed after she went to her dad's, then off to my mother's to cut her hair. Every bit of the tinted hair is gone and she's officially gray. We think we like it. We went to my brother and sister-in-laws for a wonderfully relaxing rest of the day and evening. They were so gracious to have us again after hosting Hanukkah on Monday. I brought my laptop and cleaned it up. Talked a lot. Watched TV, etc....We had a great meal. The new sweet potato recipe I made was a success and I'd make it again. The banana cream pie was a hit as always. I came home and spent way too much time playing Labyrinth on my iPhone.
My plan for the morning? Turn on the TV and catch up on day's worth of newspapers. Send out photos. Relax. New plan? I just showered and dressed and am running out to the 9:45 AM showing of Slumdog Millionaire at Muvico theater.
What are your plans for the day?
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Movie is on the agenda for sure. Not certain which one yet, but Slumdog Millionaire is on the top of my list.
Glad you had such a great holiday!
I have to finish reading a book that's due at the library today and NOT EAT any cookies!!
Let us know if that movie is any good. I'm going to go run some errands with Mo.
I'm hunkered down at home, catching up on library books. There's a sheet of ice covering our neighborhood and I can't leave! The good news is that there's a big warm-up coming, but the bad news is that the melting snow combined with the rain is supposed to cause serious flooding. There's no winning during the winter in the midwest!
I've got the Christmas present debris cornered in the living room in to about one cubic yard stack of waste. I'll be having a heart to heart with myself about planning a less paper wasteful Christmas next year and try and figure out what to do with this stuff since we haven't had recycling/garbage pick up in two weeks!
We had Dad and spent the afternoon with him. That was about all we did! It was a lazy day. I even had time to have a long hot soak in the bathtub!!
Let's see. I vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, changed the bed, made broth, made a cake, did five loads of laundry, and worked on a lap robe for my mom.
Our men worked all day and Erica put in half a day this morning, but other than that, I and the girls did absolutely nothing except play with our dog, watch marathons of House and Say Yes To The Dress (I know; inane), eat leftovers, and laugh and talk! Audrey, our middle daughter, who is visiting with us until Sunday, is having wisdom tooth problems so she's under the weather. Tomorrow we're all traveling up to Greenville, SC, to visit with my mom and sister. I'm glad you had a merry Christmas, Cheryl ... here's to a great weekend and a happy start to the New Year!
So...you just saw "Millionaire" yesterday and you're going to see it again today? It's that good of a movie? Maybe I should check it out.
Happy Hanukkah! =o)
You sound very happy and relaxed and I think thats just what the holidays should be about. :)
I would LOVE to let my hair go grey..but I know that no one around me would agree, so for now, I just keep coloring. UGH.
Wish I lived near you so that I could come to your shop for cuts and colors...
Have a very happy Sunday.
Hugs, good friend.
My day after was spent at the gym, riding my bike. A little shopping at the Harley shop to get a wind jacket. Dinner on the beach at my friends restaurant and listening to some music.
Yesterday was a beach day then out to dinner with my boyfriend.
Today is gym followed by a beach day. Lots of sunshine down here and nicely warm on the beach. If your behind the wind screen.
Have an awesome day.
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