Chillied Almonds
1 egg white
2 t red pepper flakes
1/2 t garlic powder
1 t chili powder
1 t salt
1 lb. whole unblanched almonds, about 4 cups
Combine seasonings in a small bowl and blend. Beat egg white until frothy in a large bowl. Stir in nuts and coat with the egg white. Stir in seasonings and coat nuts well. Spray a cookie sheet (jelly roll size) with Pam. Spread almonds on the prepared pan. Bake at 275 degrees about 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool and store in airtight container up to 3 weeks.
I was so glad I didn't make any stupid mistakes in the kitchen today. I made the Bourbon Meatball Sauce that I got from Kathy years ago. Here's part of the ingredients:

Bourbon Meatballs
2 cups bourbon
2 cans of beer
2 bottles of chili sauce
1 1/2 pounds of brown sugar
Simmer for a long time. I wound up with 6 1/2 cups of sauce after about an hour. Pour over meatballs. I used to make my own meatballs, but no more. I buy the 6 pound bag of frozen meatballs at Sam's Club. They taste as good as home made. I refrigerate the sauce till the night of the party. I went to the liquor store for the beer and bourbon. I wanted cheap beer, not the good stuff I'm serving at the party. Since I only needed 24 oz. the clerk suggested the tall can of Bud Ice. I remembered Andrew talking about Ice beer. George's beer of choice. Alcoholics buy it because it's cheap and maybe has a higher alcohol content?
I made my Chutney Cheese spread. Put together and refrigerated the ingredients for the Spinach Balls that I'll shape tomorrow. I had a brainstorm while making it. I saw something on the Today show about a woman who invented goggles to use while cutting onions. I had to mince 2 onions, which would produce a lot of tears. I wore my swim goggles! What a sight. No way you'd see a picture of that. I laugh just thinking about it. I didn't cry and will use them every time! Anyhow, I measured and put in containers all the dry ingredients for some of the other dishes I'll be making. Same with some of the wet. Did a lot of dishes!
Somewhere in there I took Emily to the orthodontist. She had her braces taken off November 2007, but her teeth are moving, especially the eye teeth. The orthodontist maintained that he thought they looked good, but wanted us to be happy. They look fantastic compared to what they looked like before braces, but I didn't expect them to move like this. His offer was to put the braces back on at no cost. She only had the top ones put on, and he used ceramic in the front. Emily's not real happy, but her boyfriend got braces and 4 teeth pulled last week, and her best friend Melissa has braces, so she's not alone. She's had a lot of soft food today.
For some reason I decided to bake cookies tonight. I have too many bags of Hershey's Cinnamon Chips. They're hard to find, and I think they only come out at holiday time, at least around here. I bought 6 bags a couple of weeks ago, then realized I had a bunch of bags from last year. I need to use them before the expiration date. I made cinnamon oatmeal cookies. Yum. I only ate 2, and I'll bring them into work tomorrow. Some people will be happy. I hope I can stay away from them.
I only work 6 hours tomorrow, and I'm off Saturday and Sunday. Next week I'll work Monday thru Wednesday. Lots of coffee days ahead.
I'm falling asleep. It's been a long day...Later!
I will absolutely try the goggles the next time I cut an onion. I can't wait to see if it works for me!
Thanks for the tip.
Goggles for cutting onions without tears - a novel idea. Glad it works. I wonder if I can find my scuba mask - I gotta try this.
You are always making yummy treats for fun parties. I know everyone looks forward to your gatherings.
I received the prettiest and sweetest Christmas card today. Thank you so much for including me. You are soooo talented. I bought cards this year with the promise (to myself) that I'd do better next year.
Please come cook for me. My kids would love it.
Last night was cookie night at my house. My daughter and her best friend (my adopted daughter) baked cookies.
Tonight the kids all head to their dads for the weekend. I am back on pet patrol.
Have an awesome weekend.
Oh boy Cheryl, I can't wait to come to your party. We are so looking forward to it.
Are you buying any Guinness by any chance? :-)
See you tomorrow my friend!
George would always get me to buy him a can of Ice Beer at the Piggly Wiggly. It was like getting two regular beers for the price of one.
Your party sounds great! I am sure you will be a wonderful hostess. I am kind of jealous I can't come! LOL
Great recipes and it sounds like it will be a great party. Don't work too hard and try and enjoy it!
For some reason onions rarely bother me that way. You are smart for figuring out a solution though!
Those meatballs sound yummy - I might give those a try.
Have a great day -
I can't wait to try the almonds. I couldn't find unblanched almonds at the store I was in, but will keep looking!! I think they have them at the oriental grocery store in town.
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