It's Sunday morning. The first day with no parties, no plans. I wish my knee was in perfect shape so I could go up and down the basement stairs a zillion times and put Christmas away. I know there's no rush, and it's not like I'm tired of seeing it. Yet. My knee doesn't hurt much, but it's not right. I can do things like take down all the cards, and clean up from around the Christmas tree. And who am I fooling? Of course I'll go back and forth to the basement. There's so many things I wanted to get done on my break from work, yet I can hardly account for my time. Yesterday was spent cooking, relaxing, and then going to a cousin's Hanukkah party in Bethesda. The day before was about the, cooking, spending time with Kit and then going to a get-together with my book club friends. Not much done on my to-do list in my head. I did install a new security program on my computer. That was on the list. I finally got a lot of laundry done. Today? Laundry is in. I'm straightening up. I will put away the Christmas gifts. I'm making the Pioneer Woman's pot roast. If you've never made it, you don't know what you're missing! Unfortunately, I need one ingredient, but the store is about 3 minutes from home so I can't complain. It just means I need to get out of my pajamas. I haven't seen my daughter since Christmas afternoon. Barely talked to her. She's with her father, and she's been sick. The lack of communication has been hurtful, but I have to deal with it, and I am. I haven't been lonely, just missing what I wish I had.
I'd like to go to another movie today. Maybe when Emily comes home and if she's feeling better? I still can't get Slumdog Millionaire out of my mind.
A balmy breeze is blowing here in MD. The wind chimes are singing their song. It's supposed to be in the mid-60's. Nice.
I just realized I probably have a little post-holiday blues. Plus I haven't been swimming or walking because of my knee. And I've been eating. As I was cleaning up this morning I threw away all the leftover sweets. Good-by to all those calories. Salads, here I come.
If I don't get off the couch, this day is going to slip by. Time to put on some clothes and run to the grocery store. Get the roast going. The day will unfold, and I'll embrace it. Does that sound Zen? Enjoy your Sunday, no matter what you do!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Hi! Why not just call Em and ask how she's feeling?
You do sound a little blue. Hang in there. I'm hoping we'll see some sun sometime today...that should help.
The pot roast sounds good -- do you know I've never made a pot roast? Done my share of brisket, though. Richard is still at the hospital with his father. They said he may be discharged tonight.
Call me if you need me.
Hi Cheryl,
As one who has been dealing with knee troubles for a couple of years and has had one surgery, I would say; please reconsider going up and down the stairs today. You may injure your knee more. I can remember the day I was having a cook out here and my knee was hurting, but I went up and down the deck stairs all day long... it made it much worse and I have never been good since.
Hope you don't mind the advice, I would just hate to see you get worse. I actually got a compete knee care book for Christmas. I really need to consider a replacement, but I am not quite ready to go through that yet.
Pot Roast looks good. Hope Em feels better soon.
Will you tell us a bit about Slumdog Millionaire? Did you like it? We went to see Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I didn't really like it much.
I'm sorry you have the blues. I hope the comfort of yummy pot roast chases them away. Baby your knee and watch a good movie on t.v. or DVD.
Take care of you -
Pot roast is great comfort food if you're feeling blue!
Hope Em is better soon and that your knee is on the mend.
Take it easy today!
I'm going to take down some decorations today. If I don't get them all down, it's no big deal. But they will be done in the next few days.
OK Cheryl, I am out of the closet :) Have you ever made Pioneer Woman's Onion Strings? A bit of work but to DIE for.
You go get your ZEN on. Happy Sunday to ya!
Although I haven't eaten meat in ten years, that pot roast on the previous post looks delicious! Want to come put my holiday decorations away for me?
I have not seen Slmudo Millionaire yet (been snowed in), but we hope to go see it soon. India itself is a visually stunning contrast on many levels, not least of all when it comes to color of course.
Happy New Year Cheryl!
I'm right there with you...the after holiday blues. UGH.
I hope the knee gets better soon.
Hugs, honey.
I'll have to check out PW's pot roast - the picture showing in reader sur looks good!
Hope your doing good today - I'm back to the work routine at least for a few days!
Storing my Christmas decorations was easy this year. Giving the "outof-the-box tree" to a neighbor for her dining room, putting the few real Christmas decorations back in their boxes - all done! Age is making me lazy.
It's a shame that Em is feeling bad during Christmas. Maybe she'll spend her under the wather days at her dad's and come home feeling well and smiling.
Don't push the knee. It's easier to be kind to it now than to suffer with long term problems. I'm sure many of your readers will agree with me.
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