I've been meaning to throw out the Vienna Fingers. Ditto with the DoubleStuf Oreo cookies. I even considered leaving them out for the poor squirrels. Well I don't have to worry about that anymore. I must have eaten them, cause they're gone. They've disappeared. I didn't know they'd wind up attached to my hips when I bought them. What kid doesn't like those cookies? What mother likes to waste food? Regrets? I have a few.
Plans for tomorrow? Going to the aquatic center, making Christmas cards and sending out party invitations. I hope that's all I do. Well, maybe fit in Starbucks. I want a low-key day, and I need to get my cards done. If I don't have your address and you'd like a card from me, send me your address. Of course I'll keep it confidential.
So, the poor squirrels? It appears we have no acorns in our region this year. NO acorns. If you're interested in the story, check out this link. I didn't realize we didn't have acorns till I read about it, and took a walk in my backyard. No wonder the squirrels have been so crazy. I'll have to do my part to make sure they don't starve.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
10 hours ago
Fascinating about the acorns. I wonder if we have any here. I just love oak trees.
Tim had to gather acorns from our yard for a friend, there must be a shortage, funny. I threw out our deserts from Thanksgiving after 2 days I have no willpower!
Wow,no acorns? That's odd. I know you'll take good care of those little squirrels.
I hope to be making some cards this afternoon too.
I'm going now to check out the acorn link.
That's really strange. I was glad to note it seems to have come on just this year and not a gradual thing like you'd think it would be with climate change. Poor little guys.
Regrets, I have a few, too. Only mine are named fettucine Alfredo and chocolate chip. I heard about the acorns yesterday. We had a lot from our pin oak, but not a great oak in the area had them. Wonder what that's about.
Best of luck for a low key day. I hope you get those cards done. This is my Sunday afternoon project.
Take good care of those squirrels. They are lucky to have you.
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