It's a cold and rainy day in MD. A perfect day to be at work, since I'm not the kind of person to stretch out on the couch with a good book. I like the idea, in theory.
Yesterday unfolded very nicely. My plans with Emily didn't pan out and I found myself with nothing to do, so I called Happyone (Karen) from Walmart's parking lot. She invited me over, so off I went. We had a great afternoon together in her very cozy new home. When I left there I called Kathy (Kathy's Peace) from the road and her husband said to come by. I surprised Kathy on her back patio where she was sitting with her sleeping granddaughter. We had a really nice visit. So, no plans turned into a day with good friends. It couldn't have worked out better. And talking of work, it's time to say goodbye.
Happy Tuesday!
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
16 hours ago
Always great to spend time with you. :-)
Awww... I LOVE those kinds of days. :)
You forgot to mention that I let you 'tenant farm'!!!! Your visit WAS a really nice surprise. :)
This sounds like a perfectly wonderful day that worked out just right! I bet it was relaxing and you felt refreshed and ready to return to work today. Time spent with friends is the best medicine! :-)
What a nice way to spend the day. You are lucky to all live near one another.
Your day sounds wonderful. Cold and rainy - I am SO tired of that.
Happy Humpday, Friend.
Hugs. :)
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