Another cold and rainy day. Pouring, in fact. Another good day to be inside working. The upside of this weather is how green everything is. When the sun shines it's going to look like it's morphed into true spring. Which seems to last about 48 hours in MD. You never know. Sometimes it lasts longer; sometimes we go right into summer weather.
I started writing a post about Pica the Chinchilla, but I've run out of time. I'll have that in my next one.
Happy Wednesday!
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
16 hours ago
I think you're right: one good day of sun and we'll be blooming like crazy! And then it'll be 90 degrees!
Your spring sounds like our summer - blink and you miss it.
I think we're having second winter here.
We are all looking towards Friday when it is supposed to hit, 70 degrees. But as of today, I am still wearing the winter jacket!
Can't wait to hear the chinchilla stories.
Happy Wednesday.
We've still been in the 30s most days.
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