Maybe I like technical problems? Maybe there's a name for my syndrome? Something to talk about? I need stories to tell my clients after all. So here's the new deal. I think the way to explain it is that that an AC adapter plugs into a port in the back of a laptop. My adapter had an elbow. I must have damaged the adapter because it didn't quite fit into the port correctly and occasionally the monitor brightness would flicker and I could see it was switching back and forth from AC to battery power. This happened a few years back and because of my warranty Dell came to me and replaced the motherboard and the problem was fixed. Well, I don't remember what I did that caused my adapter to get bent, but I finally called and they sent me a new power adapter. It seemed like it didn't go all the way into the port and didn't work as well as my sometimes faulty bent elbowed adapter, so I didn't use it. About the time the laptop stopped recognizing the hard drive, I called Dell and told them about both problems. They sent out a new hard drive and a new adapter. I saved everything to an external hard drive, installed the new one, then transferred all the files. Spiffy me. So far so good except the new power adapter had the same problem as the last new one. It didn't fit right. Plus, I keep getting messages that my battery has almost reached the end of it's life. This morning I call Dell to tell them about my power problem. They run a diagnostic and tell me that I need a new battery, and it's $135. Then they tell me they can switch me to the warranty department to find out the price of a new motherboard because there must have been some damage to the port which is attached to the motherboard and because I don't have a 'complete care' warranty that I will have to pay for it. I explain that I had this problem a few years ago with the same warranty and it was covered. Well, he says, their policy was changed and now you need a 'complete care' warranty. I told him that when my last warranty was about to expire I spoke to Dell, wondering if I should extend my warranty or buy a new laptop. They told me it was more economical to buy a warranty than a new laptop and anything that needed repair or replacement would be covered, so I would always have a working computer. Made sense to me so I extended for 2 more years. It cost over $200 and I still have 15 months left on it. There wasn't a 'complete care' warranty and a regular warranty. Just a warranty. I explained this very nicely, but he told me while he understood, there was nothing to be done about it. I asked to speak to customer care and he switched me over. I got a recording saying they weren't open yet. I spent a bunch of time researching batteries and found I can buy one on eBay for $35. Finally I reach customer care. Yes, she understands. Yes, she realizes I probably didn't cause the damage, it just happens over time with the adapter being plugged in and out. No, she hadn't heard of the term bait and switch. Yes, she's sorry the policy has been changed. Yes, she could switch me to someone else, but I'd only get the run-around and still get the same answer. What she could do was have someone replace the motherboard and throw in a new Dell battery all for the low cost of $250 (the motherboard alone is normally $450). For $90 more I could have the remaining 15 months of my warranty upgraded to a 'complete care' warranty. And, oh, sorry but there's no way we can refund the 15 months left on your existing warranty. Well, that's just too much $$ for a 5 year old laptop. So, right now I have the adapter cord delicately balanced over the top of my screen and at the moment it's on AC power. If I move it the wrong way, it switches to battery. I'm walking a tightrope here. And no, this has nothing to do with it being left out in the rain last week :)) What to do? I won't call Dell again. It would be futile. For now, I need to get out the bent adapter since it's the one that works best.
It was a gorgeous day here yesterday, but I didn't take advantage of it. I wasted away the hours, and when I was finally ready to go out for a walk Emily insisted we clean the house. I didn't want to, but I did. Then we went to my parent's house and waited for my GA sister and her family to arrive for their spring break visit. We got there in time for take-out Chinese for 8. Yum! Emily had a great time hanging out with her cousins Andrew and Jonathan. They've grown so tall in the two years since we've seen them. It was great spending time with everyone and we hated to go home. Today my mom and sister picked me up and we went to Mimi's for lunch. We all had the same amazing salad and muffins. Then we went to my salon and I did my sister's cut and color. The salon is closed on Mondays, but my boss was there. Afterward we went to Trader Joe's, a treat for my sister since they don't have them around her. We came back here, then they left for home. And here I am. It's only 6:30 but I'm ready for pajamas. I wish. Emily is getting a job (that'll be another post) and I have to bring her by to drop off the final paperwork. Then we need ice cream. Them I'll settle in for the night. Whew.
And how was your day?
A Ram and Geese
30 degrees this morning and windy with snow showers
on and off during my walk.
Sunrise 6:41
Morning Walk Steps 11,451
Walked through town making some side ...
4 hours ago
I'm tired just after reading your post. Whew! I hope tomorrow is more settled...and less technologically challenged.
I had a salad at Longhorn this evening that was even better than the one at Mimi's. We'll have to go to Longhorn for lunch so you can taste it. :-)
Amazing, then companies are scratching their heads wondering why they are losing market share??? Like I said, Dell isn't getting anymore of my business any day soon.
Dell has become too big for their britches. I'm having the same problem. Are you going to buy your battery on Ebay?
Daggone! That bit about the warranty is what sends me reeling. Sorry to hear you are still dealing with Dell's non service. I'm glad the day was balanced out with some good family time. Hope the work week is off to a good start!
Wow...this just teeters on dishonesty here. When you renewed your warranty you did so in good faith and they have an obligation to honor that warranty until its time to renew it. They changed horses half way through the race. You know what's happened here ....they have looked up your records and noticed that you've actually USED that warranty (and thats a no-no) they really didn't make any money on you. And all that double talk about new motherboards and batteries at a DEAL...making it sound like they are giving you something. HA! Add all that money up that they wanted to charge you and you could buy a brand new laptop for that. I would never buy another computer from them. Research online and find yourself a good laptop. Check on Consumers Reports and see which ones are rated at the top and buy one of them. Companies want to sell their products now and you should get a good price. This is all just my humble opinion. Good Luck!
What you've just described is exactly why we will NEVER purchase another Dell computer.
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