Another in my 'there's a lot to be said for...' series. Well, maybe it's not a series, but it could become one. There's a lot to be said for waking up early when you're a morning person. If you're not one of us, then maybe not so much. I watered the gardens this morning. Well, I did start last night, but I needed a long time to get it finished. It's been in the upper 90's for days with no rain and the garden was wilting. I had time for that, plus I caught up on blogs, washed the dishes, and got ready for work. And it's 7:00 AM. If it had been a walking day, I could have gotten that done too. Just saying. I like an early start. My body clock has been getting me up at around 5:00 every morning, and I can't ever fall back asleep.
It will be a busy day at work, as usual. That means non-stop with a wet-headed client waiting for me while I'm finishing up the one in my chair. I'll be done by 2:30 and heading to Borders. Then it will be off for an evening at Sherwood. My kind of day!
Hope your's is an enjoyable one too. Stay cool!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
I'm up early too...I've been poking around in Blogville for over an hour. Woke up around 5am and couldn't get back to sleep, but I got some nice quiet time for myself, which is good after the day I had yesterday.
Being a morning person does have its benefits. One being ready for an unemcombered (spelling??) day before most folks have had their first peep at the new day. I wish I fit that mold but, alas, I don't.
Enjoy your afternoon and evening. Your plans are perfect.
I really wish I could be one of you. You know a morning person but alas, it is not so.
What I do for a living mandates it and can I just say even years after getting up before the crack of dawn still is an internal battle? Night owl all the way over here baby. Although, I do not sleep as late as I used to.
Sounds like you have a great day ahead. Enjoy!
Me? Beach work party this afternoon. The best part? Some of my favorite people are going and will be there. Food, Fun, Water, and Boats...Love Summer!
Ok, this is too funny. I didn't read Mary's comment. I have a bad habit about not doing so.
We both used alas. That's it. Alas is the word of the day! LOL
I'm not a morning person either but have always envied those who are. I get up early on workdays (before its light) because I have to. On days I don't internal clock wakes me up about 8:30..which is just about right as far as I'm concerned. First thing on the agenda is COFFEE.
I wish I could go to Sherwood Forest with you - you inspired me to go to the fish store and get crab & salmon for dinner - have fun Love
Could you pass me some morning person dna?? I have always wanted to be an early riser, but urgg, my body just likes night time better.
Enjoy your time at Sherwood!
by now, you're long chilled out -- prolly holdin a cold one too-- i hope you had a good day-- and an even better saturday night ahead!!
I havent been by in awhile and I see your garden is absolutely stunning your thumb must be solid green to your wrist. I love it. I love your writing and whimsical take on life. I'll be by more often again
So glad you're having a good day. Everyone needs those occasionally, or, if we're lucky... VERY often! ;)
*sigh* ... not a morning person but have often wished I was! It is a very special time.
I wake up early when work calls for it. Any other day, I lounge in bed until 8 or 8:30. I guess it's because I don't usually get to when I work. Those sleeping in days are very few.
I'm a morning person, but not exactly by choice. I just happen to work at night so I usually have dinner around 5:00 AM. I do wish that I had half of your morning energy though, there's so much to do around here. ;)
Hi Cheryl, I got up at 4:00 this morning but I am SO going back to bed.
I hope your Saturday was as wonderful as possible, and I also hope that today is awesome.
Don't you think that exercising regularly makes you wake up early and feel like wanting to get the day started?
I wish you could do my hair.
Happy Sunday friend. Hugs.
I consider myself a morning person but 5 is a bit too early for me. I like to get up around 6.
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