It was a great idea to go for my walk today. I brought Em's iPod and listened to her tunes. I brought along a cloth bag and walked to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for the Texas Caviar. I finally enjoyed a walk. I used Google Pedometer to track my distance and it's actually 2.57 miles, not 3. I'm fine with that. I came home and put together the recipe. Here's a pic. Thanks Val, it really was great.

I had a good session with the counselor. I recounted the goings on around here, and she was impressed with how I handled the situation. According to her, I did everything right. I saw Em's longtime pediatrician in the building. I love him. I have to admit I cried when I talked with him. He was helpful. I told the counselor I wasn't going to make another appointment, that I'd do it on an as needed basis. I'm learning the tools I need to handle things on my own. She thought that was fine. It doesn't mean I won't call her next week.
I came home and hung out on the porch for a few hours, then made the decision to go to Sherwood. I got there, and saw no cars. Maybe they canceled? I called Kit and she said they were running late. She was so happy I was there and early and gave me a list of things to do, which I was happy to perform. Good food, good company.

I didn't stay too long. Just long enough for it to be a reprieve. I'm sitting out on the deck, happy to be here, but the mosquitoes are bringing this good time to an end.
You are a great mom. You sought out answers and you got them. You aren't using counseling as a pity party. I'm so proud of you! Is that ok? Your knowledge will pay off in the end.
That food spread looked pretty tasty, enjoy your time!
Love the Texas Caviar. And that spread looks pretty yummy too!
OMG...I wanted to dive into the picture and chow down. LOL. I'm so glad you liked the recipe and I hope the others did too. Yep, you said it...good friends, good food...can't beat it.
Oh those crabs look great!! I haven't any for quite a while.
I a happy to hear that you enjoyed your walk. :-)
I'm so glad to hear that you went and also that you received such affirmation from your counselor.
Sending you hugs.
I want to reach through the screen and wrap my arms around you. Give you the biggest hug ever and then sit on the porch or deck with you and just listen.
I am so proud of you for seeking answers and support from various sources.
And I am glad you are doing things for you too. Your mental and emotional state is so important and can be easily ignored. Having good friends can get you through pretty much anything and I am glad you have some dear ones close by.
Love and (((HUGS)))
Cheryl, you just rock!! You're a good mom and you're working very hard at getting a handle on the problems between you and your lovely daughter. That's such a positive thing!
The Texas Caviar looks yummy. I sought out the recipe and found it (thanks Val!) and will try it, first chance!!
I've gotta check out this Google Pedometer! My sister will love it! I've been walking on my treadmill due to the high really bugs my asthma!! So I've been walking inside...I'm such a wuss! haha
My goodness. People really DO live like this! I am so jealous!
Boy, oh boy!! That's one feast I'd like to dig into. Everything looks wonderful.
Without saying many words - just know that I'm thinking of you.
Mothering a teen has got to be the toughest job in the world. If it helps any I spent from age 20 to 25 apologizing to my mother for the things I did from 15 to 20.
That food looks wonderful.
Some good looking eats there, Cheryl.
OMG, that food looks wonderful! And I made Val's texas caviar last night, and we loved it, too!
Cheryl, you are such a good mom, and even though I know you don't feel like it, you are doing a great job. You are doing everything right, and that will pay off. She is an awesome girl, just like her day, you will look back at all of this and...okay, so you won't laugh maybe, but you will be able to smile. Kids have a rough go of it these days...I feel for them, and I feel for us moms. But you just hang in, and keep doing what you're doing.
Happy weekend to you. Hugs from this part of the world. :)
That food looks great! Glad you had a good time and that things are looking up. :)
I'm not sure what happens on these posts that I thought I already commented on...must be me having a moment. Anyway, just wanted to say I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. And I could really go for some crabs now, that picture looks so stinkin good!
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