It's a good thing I find ways to entertain myself. I'm alone a lot. At work I'm surrounded by people; the rest of the time is pretty solitary. When I was married I used to say I'd rather be lonely alone than lonely with somebody else. I'm alone, but rarely am I lonely. I count myself lucky.
I wrote my last post from Caribou Coffee. Alone but not lonely. I headed home, calling my neighbor Kelly on my way to see if she wanted to go to the pool. We made up to meet there. I changed and lotioned up and headed up the street. Just as I was walking into the clubhouse door, I hear someone saying, ma'am? Who me? It was the head lifeguard saying someone had just pooped in the pool and they were closing it down till 7:30. Man! Luckily my community has 2 pools. I've never been to the newer smaller one, but I made my way over there in a hurry. I was glad everyone else didn't follow. I called Kelly and she and her daughter met me there. I must have spent two hours in the pool without getting out. I swam laps during the two 20 minute adult swims. It was actually more fun swimming laps in a smaller pool. It was 13 strokes across the pool instead of 23. Somehow that made it more fun? Kelly and Natalie left, and when I was done swimming laps I went to talk to the lifeguard. He was in his chair and I was in the pool. I was asking if he was listening to an iPhone or iTouch. All of a sudden, two policemen approached him from opposite sides of the lifeguard's chair and told him they has taser stun guns (held in plain sight), and to get down from the chair and lay on the ground. He complied and they handcuffed him behind his back. It was surreal. They peaceably walked away with him. His girlfriend was there, and she must have said something to someone there about an outstanding warrant. The whole thing was pretty disturbing. Everyone knew the lifeguard, and all the kids at the pool saw it happen. I don't know why they didn't just tell him they had tasers and to come quietly with them and put on the handcuffs out of sight. Oh well.
Kelly called me to say we didn't have electricity at home. This is the third time this week, for no reason we know of. Maybe the extreme heat? I came home, changed, grabbed my laptop and headed to the shopping center by Arundel Mills. I got a vegetable burrito from Baja Fresh, and sat outside Starbucks using their wi-fi for the first time while eating and reading blogs. I was surrounded by other people sitting at tables outside Starbucks, Panera's, Coldstone, Baja Fresh and a Subway. A lively place to be. Alone but not lonely. I stayed until the sky opened and the rain came pouring down.
It's almost time for Bonnie to pick me up. Did I remember to pack everything? I hope so! The adventure begins!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
To me it sounds like you're hardly ever alone. You are always going and doing something with friends and family. :-)
I agree, you think the cops would have just told him to come along with them so the kids didn't have to see.
There were a few cops over at the path by the mill yesterday, though I don't know what the problem was. LOTS of people over on the path and they go swimming in the river which is not allowed.
If you forgot anything, you can always buy it. That's what Ken always says. :-) Have FUN.
WOW! That's an exciting night at the pool. Poor lifeguard dude - he must have been so embarrassed.
I hope you had fun with Bonnie!
Yeah, I'm guessing that kid's lifeguard career is over now too.
You guys might be having rolling blackouts because of the heavy electrical usage due to the heat. We have those sometimes too.
Well, if he wasn't going to turn himself in, his workplace was a funny place to hide.
I hope you guys are having a blast at the beach! Can't wait to see all the pictures:)
What an odd thing to happen while you're swimming! And great weapon to use at a pool! Sheesh.
Have sooooo much fun Cheryl! I can't wait to hear how it went.
Have a fun trip!
I've been 'married' for going on 22years come March. I can count on both hands the numbers of days we've been seperated. Alone time is a precious thing. ***wink***
Have Fun!
I hope you have a great time on your adventure.
Sounds like it already started at the pool before you even left!
Travel safe. Be well.
I treasure time alone. In fact we call it "alone time" in our house. Just a time to think and be. And I never get lonely with myself either.
Some adventure at the pool. I hope no kids were tramatized. Ugh.
Hope you are having a wonderful time.
I know exactly what you mean about lonely verses alone - and not many really get that. It seems that most of the world will put up with bad relationships rather than deal with themselves. Sad, actually.
I think it's awesome that you and Bonnie are taking off on an adventure! Have the best time ever.
Be careful, too.
Rolling blackouts here too, they don't last too long but,still a pain. poor lifeguard wonder why they felt the need to have a taser out? You have an awesome trip I'm picturing Thelma and Louise minus the big ending, now Brad Pitt thats different. Have an awesomely fun time!
Hope you are having a blast!
Alone time is a precious commodity, that's for sure. But about the time I wish for it...I'll end up lonely ...I miss my man and my dog and my family if they aren't around. But I do cherish those alone moments. I need to find some so I can start to meditate!
Hope you're having fun on your trip!!
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