So, how many of us were up at 4 AM? I'm not sure why I was, but I didn't stress since I'm off today and can drink real coffee. I realized I needed an oil change before my trip and checked online to see that the Honda dealership opened at 7. I did some online banking, finished deleting unwanted songs from my mp3, got the light timers out, and did other things to get ready for my trip. I was at the dealer at 6:50, only to find the sign on the door saying it opened at 7:30. Grrr. I was one of the first checked in, and was told the mechanics come in at 8:00. Grrr. Fortunately I was able to program their TV to the Today Show, and I had my newspaper. My car was done at 8:20, and I headed up here to Panera's. It's been a while since I've been at my favorite place. Favorite except it's the one I lost my phone at. I loved that phone. I lost $400 at another Panera and spilled coffee into my laptop at yet another. But I still love the place.
Yesterday was a rare day at home day. I spent most of it writing lists for the trip and working on my mp3. Lots to do on the computer too: stopping mail, newspaper, making motel reservations (we'll split up the trip and stay in Smithfield, NC overnight), etc.. I made cookies too. At about 6:30 Emily asked if we could go to the pool to swim laps. Of course! It had been a weird weather day. Earlier it stormed violently, including hail. Then the sun came out for the rest of the day. We were the only ones at the pool. Emily knew the lifeguard and spent most of our time there talking to her. That was good.
I'm going online to see if Myrtle Beach has any of those wheelchairs that can go on the beach. It's the only way my mom will be able to get out there. (I checked a few years ago and they didn't have them.) Her walking has really deteriorated, and the beach is so wide. She'll be able to go to the pool, though, and the balcony of the condo overlooking the beach. She'll just be happy to be there. My neighbor Kelly is going to be such a help to me. Last night she said we should alternate days being my mother's helper. She's insisting on it. How's that for a friend?
Happy Monday to you! I hope I can stop by all your blogs today. I hate being behind.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
10 hours ago
Sounds like a productive day already, kelley is a great friend.
Maybe you can get your mom Tank Chair?
I was sleeping soundly at 4 this morning!! I get up at 6:15.
Kelly does indeed sound like a wonderful friend. :-)
Don't bother coming by to visit me- I haven't posted anything new in forever. I hope you have a good trip though - is this the family trip? Because it looks like you just got back from at trip with Bonnie? I'm jealous. :)
I hope you have fun!
I wish I could go to M. Beach and just sit down. I know you'll have a wonderful time.
Relax, don't worry about anything, take pictures, swim, sun, eat, drink, and anything else that makes you happy. I'll be waiting to hear all about your trip.
If I only had your energy; I could conquer the world!!!
Ask the lifeguard/beach service for the wheel chair. I'm fairly certain they come from the police department. They will deliver it to the beach and pick them up when you're finished. I saw several of them when I was there this year.
And have great friends!
You sound so organized and efficient. I've forgotten exactly when your vacation starts, so if it's right away, have a good one.
Hmmmm. I was up at 4:30am for no good reason. As for your bad luck at Panera, I had to laugh a little. But just a little. See, last year, I found $400 blowing around a parking lot. Nobody was claiming it and I didn't know what to do, so I brought it inside the store I was at. Nobody else knew what to do, either. So I gave a big chunk of it to church and then bought some ice cream. I hope your money didn't magically make it to the midwest! I already feel guilty about it!
Have an absolutely WONDERFUL time! Take plenty of pix for us to drool over. Be safe!
Yes, that is a great friend. And how great your mom still wants to travel!
I needs me a Kelly.
I needs me a coffee from Panera ... oops, forget it. It's 3:06 a.m. and I can't sleep. I tried. TG snores something awful. It's like sleeping with an outboard motor ...
I'm always up at bizarre hours. I usually get off from work around 4:30 AM. It's good though cause there's not much traffic. Come to think of it there's not much light either. I don't know if that's good or bad.
What a great friend.. i hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation!
i love productivity.
You are going to have the best time!
Maybe you should stay away from Paneras?
Happy Thursday, one more day, then you can PARTY!
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