I wanted to write something tonight. Really. I'm just too pooped. I wanted to write about the comment card I sent to Starbucks recently and the response I got. I wanted to write about the comment card I sent to Seattle's Best recently and the response I got to that. Then I wanted to compare it to the 2 page signature-required letter I sent to Dell when I went through Dell hell and the response I never got from them. I'll have to save that for another day.
I'm going to Sherwood tomorrow after work to hang out on the porch. I can't wait!
Did I mention Emily's away in Costa Rica with her dad and step-mom and that she'll be gone for 8 days? It's awfully quiet here. Well, it's usually quiet here. I bet she's having the time of her life. She called me this afternoon and told me about a 4 hour jungle tour they went on today. How cool is that? She's one lucky girl.
Time to put this day to rest zzzzz.......
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
10 hours ago
I'll be thinking about you at Sherwood tomorrow sitting on the porch. :-)
When you feel up to it - I'm really interested in hearing about the comment cards and response or lack of that you received.
Emily is going to LOVE Costa Rica! It is one of my favorite places on this planet. How exciting for her - I hope we get to hear about her trip when she gets back. Man, I wish I were there too.
Have fun tomorrow!
I understand how you feel. Teens! You can't have a minute of peace when they're underfoot and you worry when they aren't. Take time for yourself. Enjoy Sherwood. Tell us about the responses and the non-responses when you feel more like it. Thinking of you.
I can't wait to hear about the comment cards. I've filled out a few of those and they are rarely pleasant.
How exciting for Em! That will be an adventure to remember.
Enjoy your quiet time!
Sweet dreams, sweet one.
Hope you have a great day tomorrow and although the quite is odd, I hope you enjoy it.
I hope you are relaxing on that porch in Sherwood right now! Enjoy your day:)
Oh my goodness....you are so RICH. You have a wealth of family and friends and this makes you so rich....the kind of rich that has nothing to do with money at all. Enjoy, enjoy. Enjoy every single second of it. I love the pictures...they are great. God Bless, Val.
Costa Rica? My goodness! What a vacation!
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