It's Friday morning, and I'm sitting in my breakfast nook while my mom is outside watching the birds. We've had a great time together. I went to her house as planned yesterday and did her cut and color. Then we went to Old Country Buffet. I got a laugh out of something she said: 'there's a lot of heavy people here.' Yes indeed, Old Country has a lot of heavy people, a lot of seniors and a lot of working class people. I actually like it a lot. Unfortunately I can't help but eat a lot and that's why I try to stay away. I'll probably be a heavy senior eating at Old Country one day. I do love to eat! We came to my house after lunch. I got Mom settled on the couch and I left for the pool. I swam laps for 15 minutes, then read my Wired magazine with my reader sunglasses. Heavenly time. After showering and dressing, Mom and I left for Arundel Mills Mall. We rented a wheelchair, and made our way to the Muvico theater. It's a long walk...hopefully I burned off some calories from lunch! We saw Sex in the City. I'd never seen the TV show, but loved the movie. Mom thought it was just so so. We went to Panera's afterwards for dinner, then to McDonald's for ice cream in the car. It was great. We were just settling in at home to see pictures from Costa Rica when we lost power, for no reason that I can think of. It was just an ordinary night, no weather issues. Bummer. I hadn't been on the computer all day, and was looking forward to spending some time on it. The house got hot very quickly. I got my mother settled in bed, then went to mine to read. It was too hot! It took forever to fall asleep. Here's what I'm used to: my ceiling fan directly over me. My very powerful floor fan blowing on me.

Here's what I had instead...a very loud, tiny, battery-operated fan. It looks bigger in this picture than it actually is. It's probably about 5" tall. I had to wear ear plugs!

This is the lantern I use whenever we lose power. It's got a florescent bulb and takes 8 'D' batteries. The batteries fit in a removable base that I keep seperate from the lantern when I store it so it doesn't drain the 'juice.' It's as bright as a lamp.

Some pictures from Wednesday at Sherwood Forest. First is approaching the community. I love wind-y roads in the woods. Next is a view from the porch. Finally, the porch where I spent over an hour laying on the couch, reading a magazine while waiting for Kit.

My neighbor Kelly and her daughter Natalie just came over with donuts from Dunkin Donuts. I called her earlier to ask if she was planning on going there and if she could get my mom an apple fritter. She wasn't planning on it, but offered to go. It's just up the street from where we live. Mom was happily surprised. They're sitting out on the deck now, so I should join them. Soon we'll leave to go to my parent's community pool. Have a great 4th!
It's funny you mentioned that about Old Country buffet. I was at one recently and had the very same conversation (and observation) about the customers!
I am laughing at your mom's heavy people remark.
Have a great 4th.
Glad you had such a nice day with your mom.
The whole lap around Arundel Mills is 8 tenths of a mile. I checked it out once with my pedometer.
I have a picture of the porch that looks just like that on my blog only there is a laptop on the table. :-)
Happy 4TH to you!!
How long was the power out for?
I love OCB and have made that observation but don't care because there's soo much to eat and you leave full and content and there isn't a soul that glares with children at tables...being that everyone is up and down back and forth..Chinese Buffets are delicious too..
I love the pictures of your room even though everything is inoperable at the time-power is never lost when you'd actually want it to be...if that makes sense.
Well, Ben is grumbling about something so I should return to being mom in my mil's house..
Happy Fourth of July Cheryl!
Happy 4th of July!!
I love those pics!
I have porch envy.
I looked that place up - I think I was in that general area when I went to CR. I bet she's having the time of her life.
Hope you got your electricity back today?
Happy 4th -
I hope you were able to say cool today.
The pics are great!
I have not been to OCB in years but maybe I will have to check it out just to see if there are heavy people in my local one.
Happy 4th!
The color of your bedroom is exactly what I would have picked for you. Perfect.
How's the AC today?
Your deck is awesome. Sorry you lost is way too hot for that here!
LOL! I don't go to those kinds of restaurants anymore ... too many "bellies" and way too much food for me to be tempted by, and always food on the floor in front of the "troughs" ... and flies ... seems if a fly got in the door he always makes his way to our table! And the ROLLS ... ahhhh ... and I can't say no to all the desserts! YUM! I'm glad you're having some fun time with your mom, Cheryl. It all sounds like great relaxing fun.
My gosh, you are always so busy!
And such a good daughter...I need to take lessons from you, I know I have said that before.
Have a great weekend.
How awful to lose power during the summer! I love your little fan tho, that would help a lot, even if it's loud! I don't go into Old Country Buffets...I can't afford the calories!! I have a terrible time with "all you can eat" places because I'm stingy enough to want to get my money's worth, even tho I don't want to eat that much!!! Sounds like you had a great time with your mom tho...that's very cool!
The pictures are gorgeous! No wonder you like going.
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