It's a hottie today. I walked at 6:30 this morning and sweated up a storm. I'm actually starting to enjoy the walking more. Listening to music has made a big difference. I've kept up with my swimming too. I went 4 times last week. I swam 35 laps one day! Even I can't believe that. The other days I swam 20-something laps. My arms are a little less jiggly as are my thighs. I can't wait to go to the pool later and get wet! The thing is, though, that every time in my life that I've gotten into an exercise routine I've quit just when I was feeling great. For no reason. Every time. I don't have high expectations this time, but there's a chance it could last.
I drove out to visit with my mom this morning. I thought we might go to the movies to see Momma Mia. My mom told me that my sister Lisa was coming over and they were going to the movies to see Momma Mia. Great minds think alike. We met Lisa at the theater. A client had told me she loved it. That's all I knew about the movie except it was a Broadway musical. So, the movie starts and right away the bride-to-be starts singing. I leaned into my sister and asked, 'why am I at a musical?'Well, I LOVED every minute of the movie. Meryl Streep should win an Oscar. I had a smile on my face the whole time, except for one crying jag when I was reminded how bad things are at home. I would really recommend this movie because it's just plain entertaining. We went to Friday's afterwards. I had fish tacos, something Bonnie loves.
Speaking of Bonnie, we're going on a Road Trip tomorrow! We're cruising to Ocean City, MD in her bright red Mini Cooper for a 2 night get-away. This was supposed to be a trip for my daughter and I, but that didn't work out. Bonnie came to my rescue. We're going to sunbathe, swim in the ocean, drink wine, eat crab cakes, pig out on Thrasher's french fries, Fisher's caramel popcorn and funnel cakes on the boardwalk, meet at her friend's place for drinks, and just have FUN. I can't wait! I'll make sure to take lots of pictures of our big adventure.
It's brutally hot here. In the 90's with not a cloud in the sky. On the one hand I hate being inside, on the other, it's too hot to be outside. That's why I thought it would be a good day for the movies.
Kit and I had a nice time together last night. We went to Annapolis Mall. I had stuff to return at Macy's. We shopped the Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale, then had dinner at the Cafe. I love their albacore tuna melt. Yum. We went to Sherwood after that. Sat out on the porch talking for a few hours. The breeze was wonderful, and time spent was relaxing as always. Did I mention my time there will be over in October? The house will be torn down and rebuilt as a full time residence for her brother. You know how much I'm going to miss it. That's one of the reasons I'm spending so much time there now. I wish I could have my own little structure. All I'd need would be a porch and a bathroom. Simple. And a golf car because they sure are fun to drive.
I'm really loving the book I'm listening to: The Good House by Tananarive Due. I probably wouldn't have picked it out on my own, but my sister has read most of her books and recommended all of them to me. There's nothing like a good book, as far as I'm concerned, and nothing better than an audio book narrated by a talented storyteller.
Well, enough of my rambles. I'm going to run to the grocery store next door then head home and to the pool.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
10 hours ago
I am officially jealous! Two of my online friends have just seen my all time favorite musical and I haven't gone to see it yet! This week for sure!
Glad you had a good time. You would just love it on Broadway Cheryl!
Glad you loved the movie, as did I!
You are so inspiring with your walking and swimming. Not doing much in my pool, I have come down with vertigo and I am too dizzy to trust myself doing laps. I still use the kick board so I do move around, but it isn't as much of a work out.
Sorry that things still aren't going well at home. I think about you and Em alot and am sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
Have a GREAT road trip, it sounds like a BLAST!
Cheryl, I am just so dang proud of you! You are really taking great care of your body. Good for you! Maybe take some time and write down why you love it right now, what are the benefits. So if you ever do feel like stopping you can look back and remember why you are doing it!
I can't wait to see Momma Mia, but I'll have to wait for dvd. Bummer.
Have so much fun on your getaway!! You deserve it.
Big hugs and prayers coming for your home to be in peace.
I was walking at the exact time you were. I'm glad you are starting to like your walks!
I'll be sure to see that movie. I really like Meryl Streep.
Have lots of fun at OC with Bonnie!!
I'm sorry your initial plans didn't work out but on the other hand I'm soooooo proud of you for not letting it cancel your plans. Bonnie and you will have a wonderful mini-vaca. It sounds like lots of fun. Eat one of those delicious MD crabcakes for me. I always looked forward to my work trips to APG just for the MD crabcakes.
Will be waiting for pics.
Congrats on your accomplishments exercise-wise. And have a great time with Bonnie.
I'll be praying for things at home.
You are an exercise-inspiration Cheryl! I didn't have power all day yesterday due to a horrible wind/rain storm we had that knocked trees down everywhere...but I managed to walk outdoors in the heat since my treadmill wasn't operational. I am exercising every day in July and it helps so much to read about others doing it too!!
Hope you have a great sounds wonderful!
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